All Outside Abroad
Article name First author Downloads
中外文学交流史: 中国-葡萄牙卷 姚風 2934
Human baristas and robot baristas: How does brand experience affect brand satisfac.. Hwang, J 1396
影响估差:京湘新闻人中的第三者效应和第一者因素 彭雪华 1392
音乐语录百科全书 陈芸 1331
Cultural adaptation challenges and strategies during study abroad: New Zealand stu.. Gong, Yang 1100
Learners’ perceived AI presences in AI-supported language learning: A study of AI.. Wang, X. 1052
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ): Adaptation, validation, an.. Faming Wang 1049
Plant DNA barcoding: From gene to genome Li, Xiwen 990
Cyber security and privacy issues in smart grids Liu J. 971
澳門法學教育之歷程與前瞻 梁靜姮 LEONG CHENG HANG 961
沉浸营销的渊源与发展刍议 龚思颖 927
Employee engagement, its antecedents and effects on business performance in hospit.. Liu, X. M. 888
俄乌冲突、大国竞争与世界地缘政治格局的演变—以地缘政治学为研究视角 胡偉星 871
天然产物提取分离技术研究进展 邱玲 858
网帖标题长度对点读和转发的影响—— 基于选择螺旋和适效信息理论的分析 趙心樹 852
中巴合作與巴西問題研究 Jatobá, Júlio Reis 846
Andrographolide derivative as STAT3 inhibitor that protects acute liver damage in .. Chen, Shao-Ru 844
Translation and Linguistics Zhang MF(張美芳) 815
Teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language to non-Chinese learners in mainla.. Yang (Frank) Gong 801
澳门社会保障发展对内地多层次社会保障体系建设的借鉴 陳建新 786
E-writing in Chinese as a second language learning: A systematic review Zhang Luyao 747
《宗法制度與周代國家結構研究》讀後After reading "Patriarchal System and Zhou Dynas.. 楊兆貴 733
澳门特别行政区海域规划:现存问题与科学展望 税兵 638
國際翻譯認知研究新進展---第七届翻譯認知研究國際研討會綜述 (New development in the.. 寧靜 612
論澳門公司法中的利益平衡制度 梁靜姮 578
化學教育研究:範式的轉變 魏冰 566
The effect of celebrity on brand awareness, perceived quality, brand image, brand .. Kim, S. S 551
澳门中医药产业发展的PEST-SWOT策略分析 张辛聿 550
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics for .. Chen, Jia Hang 530
Does Customers' Annual Report Tone have a Supply Chain Contagion Effect? —From th.. Di, L.L. 522
How CSR influences customer behavioural loyalty in the Chinese hotel industry Matthew Tingchi Liu 504
Tourism in Hoi An, Vietnam: impacts, perceived benefits, community attachment and .. Raymond Adongo 494
Total-Effect Test is Superfluous for Establishing Complementary Mediation Yingkai Jiang 482
Value Analysis determines when and how to strive Cao, Siqi 472
The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics Duarte, Paulo 466
横琴粤澳深度合作区:理念创新与制度构建 李可 459
People-to-People Exchanges Li, Yichao 451
潮州方言百餘年來韻母演變的研究 徐宇航 442
Applying consumer-based brand equity in luxury hotel branding Matthew Tingchi Liu 440
Language teachers’ identity in teaching intercultural communicative competence Gong, Yang Frank 439
文化融合视域下中国传统文化节目的 网生代用户群体研究 ———基于阶梯模型的实证分析 徐敏, Xu, Min 439
傳教士文獻反映的中山粵語兩世紀的語音變遷 Lo, I. F. 439
把住宿式书院打造成社群教育平台——以澳门大学张昆仑书院为例 張美芳 433
翻譯研究的功能途徑:理論與應用 張美芳 432
Perceived benefits, perceived risk, and trust: Influences on consumers' group buyi.. Tingchi Liu M. 421
Polymeric micelles drug delivery system in oncology Gong, J (Gong, Jian) 417
An analysis of Chinese EFL students' use of first and second language in peer feed.. Yu S. 415
Innovative marketing strategies for the successful construction of drone food deli.. Choe, J. Y. J 411
Exploration of the successful glocalization of ethnic food: a case of Korean food Hwang, J 407
粵港澳大灣區武鄉文化的傳承與發展研究 - 以廣甯武術文化為例 蔡昭健 403
司馬遷禮思想研究:以《史記‧禮書》為研究核心Sima Qian's ritual thoughts on the “L.. 楊兆貴 397
澳門大學教育專業課程的傳統文化教學Chinese Traditional Culture Teaching in Faculty .. 楊兆貴 390
“犯罪学的想象力:《英国犯罪学》2022 年第 1 期研究述评” 杨海燕 379
Anti-cancer properties of terpenoids isolated from Rhizoma Curcumae - A review Lu, Jin-Jian 375
Design and analysis of a totally decoupled flexure-based XY parallel micromanipula.. Li Y. 373
Exploring perceived risk in building successful drone food delivery services Hwang, J 372
Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey: hospitality industry in Maca.. Liu, Matthew Tingchi 372
Characterizing Microservice Dependency and Performance: Alibaba Trace Analysis Shutian Luo 370
威妥玛《平仄编》的特点及价值 羅言發 LO IN FAT 370
Robust Image Forgery Detection Against Transmission over Online Social Networks Wu, Haiwei 361
课程改革中的教师能动性与教师身份认同——社会文化理论视野 高雪松 358
粤港澳大湾区创新创业政策分析 ——基于广深两地的实践与展望 蒋雯静 354
选举的困境——民主制度及宪政改革批判 趙心樹 350
Optimized Multi-Agent Formation Control Based on an Identifier-Actor--Critic Reinf.. Wen, Guoxing 348
澳门统一司法见解制度的法律建构与现实考察 Li, Z. 345
Does Managerial Macro-cognition have "Imprinting"? Evidence from the Effect of Man.. Luo, Y. G. 336
How are food value video clips effective in promoting food tourism? Generation Y v.. Kim, S. S 331
澳門地區民法上個人信息保護權的體系定位 唐曉晴 325
Innovative robotic restaurants in Korea: merging a technology acceptance model and.. Choe, J. Y. J 324
潮州方言鼻音聲母:規則、演變、層次 Xu Yuhang(徐宇航) 322
Want versus need: How linguistic framing influences responses to crowdfunding appe.. Su Lei 318
基层网格化应急治理: 主要问题及改进路径 徐淑华 317
Adaptive consensus control for a class of nonlinear multiagent time-delay systems .. Chen C.L.P. 312
儒家修齊治平思想溯源——論周公對孔、孟及其他儒家的影響The Origin of Confucian “Xi.. 楊兆貴 311
Comparison studies of typing and handwriting in Chinese language learning: A synth.. Lyu, Boning 308
細微之處見功夫——黎翠珍教授談戲劇翻譯 張美芳 308
澳门、中山、广州三地方音史比较 Lo, I. F. 308
Discovery and preliminary SAR of 14-aryloxy-andrographolide derivatives as antibac.. Li, Feng 307
Artificial intelligence research in hospitality: a state-of-the-art review and fut.. Law Rob 307
英漢名詞性結構中度量短語的句法語義對比研究 刘鸿勇 306
Advances in Gut Microbial Drug Metabolism Yifei Jia 304
犯罪学的反思:《英国犯罪学》2022年第2期研究述评 胡启谱 304
户外冒险教育课程对澳门大学生生活效能与团队凝聚力之成效 鄭智明 300
潮州方言山攝的讀音層次與演變 徐宇航 299
Application of consumer innovativeness to the context of robotic restaurants Kim, J. J 298
《英華韻府曆階》官話音系下粵、閩方言詞彙的收錄 徐宇航 297
One country two systems: a comparative study of national identity between Hong Kon.. Cai, Tianji 296
The influence of transformational leadership on work engagement in the context of .. Si Chen 296
《新舊澳門〈勞動法〉比較研究》 李建基 284
Chinese Social Media: Technology, Culture and Creativity Fitzgerald, R 281
Research on Teaching Chinese as a Second or Foreign Language in and Outside Mainla.. Yang Gong 278
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on Macao. From tourism lockdown to tourism .. Glenn McCartney 275
Reflections on Macao’s Participation in and Contribution to the “Belt and Road”.. 蔣朝陽 272
强化政府治理能力:香港从“由乱到治”走向“由治及兴”的重要路径 胡偉星 271
Recent advances in wearable electromechanical sensors—Moving towards machine lear.. Nian Dai 268
論漢字的表音功能 邵朝陽 266
城市品牌对选择螺旋首轮的影响:理论、数据与方法的对话 趙心樹 265
Simultaneously enantiospecific determination of (+)-trans-khellactone, (+/-)-praer.. Song, Yuelin 264
Macau gambling industry: current challenges and opportunities next decade Liu,Matthew Tingchi 263
人生的第一篇英文犯罪学论文:一群青年学者的分享与反思 (The writing of first English.. a 261
All Outside Abroad
Article name First author Downloads
中外文学交流史: 中国-葡萄牙卷 姚風 322
澳門法學教育之歷程與前瞻 梁靜姮 LEONG CHENG HANG 124
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ): Adaptation, validation, an.. Faming Wang 114
音乐语录百科全书 陈芸 109
論澳門公司法中的利益平衡制度 梁靜姮 92
Translation and Linguistics Zhang MF(張美芳) 82
E-writing in Chinese as a second language learning: A systematic review Zhang Luyao 80
翻譯研究的功能途徑:理論與應用 張美芳 78
澳门社会保障发展对内地多层次社会保障体系建设的借鉴 陳建新 71
國際翻譯認知研究新進展---第七届翻譯認知研究國際研討會綜述 (New development in the.. 寧靜 65
澳门统一司法见解制度的法律建构与现实考察 Li, Z. 65
课程改革中的教师能动性与教师身份认同——社会文化理论视野 高雪松 62
Human baristas and robot baristas: How does brand experience affect brand satisfac.. Hwang, J 60
中巴合作與巴西問題研究 Jatobá, Júlio Reis 60
俄乌冲突、大国竞争与世界地缘政治格局的演变—以地缘政治学为研究视角 胡偉星 57
影响估差:京湘新闻人中的第三者效应和第一者因素 彭雪华 56
人生的第一篇英文犯罪学论文:一群青年学者的分享与反思 (The writing of first English.. a 56
澳門地區公共數據安全:法律框架和思考 LEONG CHENG HANG 56
Cultural adaptation challenges and strategies during study abroad: New Zealand stu.. Gong, Yang 54
澳門特別行政區醫療事故立法及其適用 梁靜姮 54
Learners’ perceived AI presences in AI-supported language learning: A study of AI.. Wang, X. 52
‘Prima iarnă cenușie. Ecocriticismul și literatura contemporană cu zombie’ HUGHES William 50
澳門地區民法上個人信息保護權的體系定位 唐曉晴 48
把住宿式书院打造成社群教育平台——以澳门大学张昆仑书院为例 張美芳 41
Does Customers' Annual Report Tone have a Supply Chain Contagion Effect? —From th.. Di, L.L. 41
Artificial intelligence research in hospitality: a state-of-the-art review and fut.. Law Rob 40
户外冒险教育课程对澳门大学生生活效能与团队凝聚力之成效 鄭智明 38
Understanding mechanistic reasoning from a complex system perspective TANG XIAOWEI 38
澳門大學教育專業課程的傳統文化教學Chinese Traditional Culture Teaching in Faculty .. 楊兆貴 37
粵港澳大灣區武鄉文化的傳承與發展研究 - 以廣甯武術文化為例 蔡昭健 37
基层网格化应急治理: 主要问题及改进路径 徐淑华 37
Value Analysis determines when and how to strive Cao, Siqi 36
Andrographolide derivative as STAT3 inhibitor that protects acute liver damage in .. Chen, Shao-Ru 35
从太阳花看民主与民粹 趙心樹 35
Employee engagement, its antecedents and effects on business performance in hospit.. Liu, X. M. 34
澳门特别行政区海域规划:现存问题与科学展望 税兵 33
天然产物提取分离技术研究进展 邱玲 33
How CSR influences customer behavioural loyalty in the Chinese hotel industry Matthew Tingchi Liu 32
文化融合视域下中国传统文化节目的 网生代用户群体研究 ———基于阶梯模型的实证分析 徐敏, Xu, Min 32
横琴粤澳深度合作区:理念创新与制度构建 李可 32
Teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language to non-Chinese learners in mainla.. Yang (Frank) Gong 31
美國亞利桑那州坦佩學區幼兒園與小學教學紀實 向天屏 30
泛民主運動的反民主心態 趙心樹 30
淺談澳門夫妻財產制度 梁靜姮 29
量化犯罪学的热闹与门道:杰出学者分享 (Insights of quantitative criminology: sharin.. 谢敏 29
Les dangers de la manipulation subliminale de l’IA Neuwirth, Rostam J. 28
网帖标题长度对点读和转发的影响—— 基于选择螺旋和适效信息理论的分析 趙心樹 27
One country two systems: a comparative study of national identity between Hong Kon.. Cai, Tianji 27
傳教士文獻反映的中山粵語兩世紀的語音變遷 Lo, I. F. 27
粵港澳大灣區簽訂刑事電子數據跨境取證協議之研究 LI ZHE 27
Applying consumer-based brand equity in luxury hotel branding Matthew Tingchi Liu 26
Advances in Gut Microbial Drug Metabolism Yifei Jia 26
Innovative marketing strategies for the successful construction of drone food deli.. Choe, J. Y. J 25
澳门、中山、广州三地方音史比较 Lo, I. F. 25
强化政府治理能力:香港从“由乱到治”走向“由治及兴”的重要路径 胡偉星 25
后物质主义五十年: 理论变迁及经验趋势 Tony Huiquan Zhang 25
Developing influenza treatments using traditional Chinese medicine Yang ZiFeng 25
“八三一框架”的寬鬆解读和民主空間 趙心樹 25
显著性分析的四种功能 趙心樹 24
Do AI-powered mutual funds perform better? Chen, Rui 24
澳門不動產登記制度與紗紙契研究 梁靜姮 Leong Cheng Hang 24
大灣區婚姻財產制度之異同論 梁靜姮 24
書院制度下的「音樂教與學」社區服務學習項目--用黑與白描繪的色彩 劉沛棋 24
Language teachers’ identity in teaching intercultural communicative competence Gong, Yang Frank 23
《宗法制度與周代國家結構研究》讀後After reading "Patriarchal System and Zhou Dynas.. 楊兆貴 23
Fast food consumption among tourists and residents in Macau: A means-end chain ana.. Chan, M. L 23
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on Macao. From tourism lockdown to tourism .. Glenn McCartney 23
粤港澳大湾区创新创业政策分析 ——基于广深两地的实践与展望 蒋雯静 23
Perceived benefits, perceived risk, and trust: Influences on consumers' group buyi.. Tingchi Liu M. 22
作爲全人教育與知識整合平臺的書院 ――兼評《住宿式書院實踐全人教育理論――澳門大學.. 龔映雪 22
Does Managerial Macro-cognition have "Imprinting"? Evidence from the Effect of Man.. Luo, Y. G. 22
Extracellular vesicles as a novel mediator of interkingdom communication Huang JuMin 22
《澳門紀略》粵語音系特點 羅言發 LO IN FAT 22
Exploration of the successful glocalization of ethnic food: a case of Korean food Hwang, J 21
Macau gambling industry: current challenges and opportunities next decade Liu,Matthew Tingchi 21
From Rank Estimation to Rank Approximation: Rank Residual Constraint for Image Res.. Zhiyuan Zha 21
Characterizing Microservice Dependency and Performance: Alibaba Trace Analysis Shutian Luo 21
侵害生命權請求賠償的權利主體分析 梁靜姮 21
《新舊澳門〈勞動法〉比較研究》 李建基 21
澳门中医药产业发展的PEST-SWOT策略分析 张辛聿 21
澳门大学住宿式书院与时俱进设立新目标 張美芳 20
From Authenticity to Profilicity: A Critical Response to Roberto Simanowski and Ot.. Moeller, Hans-Georg 20
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics for .. Chen, Jia Hang 20
Breve enquadramento do contrato de locação financeira AUGUSTO TEIXEIRA GARCIA 20
中國區際逮捕令簽發程序之構建——歐盟經驗能否適用于中國 Li, Z. 20
High-Speed and Time-Interleaved ADCs Using Additive-Neural-Network-Based Calibrati.. Zhai, Danfeng 20
廣東陽江方言的多功能詞 「浮」 Xu Yuhang(徐宇航) 20
选择螺旋中的议程协调 -- 以粤港澳大湾区十一个城市品牌作为选项 敖颂 20
非线性霍尔效应及其器件应用 LAI SHEN 20
儒家修齊治平思想溯源——論周公對孔、孟及其他儒家的影響The Origin of Confucian “Xi.. 楊兆貴 19
People-to-People Exchanges Li, Yichao 19
GSK3β 抑制剂和/或 HRR 抑制剂在制备治疗 FHIT 缺失型肺癌的药物中的应用 JOONG SUP SHIM 19
Non-recursive digital calibration for joint-elimination of transmitter and receive.. Wei-Han Yu 18
Scientific Analysis of Doctor-Patient Relationship 梁靜姮 Leong Cheng Hang 18
歐盟反恐框架下的比利時反恐刑法及其對我國的啟示 Li, Z. 18
Law, Oxymora and the Disappearance of Space-Time Neuwirth, R.J. 18
A 10b 700 MS/s Single-Channel 1b/Cycle SAR ADC Using a Monotonic-Specific Feedback.. Guo Mingqiang 18
誕生於實驗室的準細胞藥: T-MSC治療自身免疫性疾病 REN-HE XU 18
Longitudinal high-dimensional analysis identifies immune features associating with.. Leung Elaine Lai Han 18
All Outside Abroad
Article name First author Downloads
中外文学交流史: 中国-葡萄牙卷 姚風 133
翻譯研究的功能途徑:理論與應用 張美芳 37
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ): Adaptation, validation, an.. Faming Wang 36
人生的第一篇英文犯罪学论文:一群青年学者的分享与反思 (The writing of first English.. a 34
澳门统一司法见解制度的法律建构与现实考察 Li, Z. 27
Human baristas and robot baristas: How does brand experience affect brand satisfac.. Hwang, J 24
Translation and Linguistics Zhang MF(張美芳) 22
澳門地區民法上個人信息保護權的體系定位 唐曉晴 22
澳门社会保障发展对内地多层次社会保障体系建设的借鉴 陳建新 22
Cultural adaptation challenges and strategies during study abroad: New Zealand stu.. Gong, Yang 21
户外冒险教育课程对澳门大学生生活效能与团队凝聚力之成效 鄭智明 21
Learners’ perceived AI presences in AI-supported language learning: A study of AI.. Wang, X. 19
‘Prima iarnă cenușie. Ecocriticismul și literatura contemporană cu zombie’ HUGHES William 19
論澳門公司法中的利益平衡制度 梁靜姮 19
國際翻譯認知研究新進展---第七届翻譯認知研究國際研討會綜述 (New development in the.. 寧靜 19
课程改革中的教师能动性与教师身份认同——社会文化理论视野 高雪松 18
澳門法學教育之歷程與前瞻 梁靜姮 LEONG CHENG HANG 18
基层网格化应急治理: 主要问题及改进路径 徐淑华 17
How CSR influences customer behavioural loyalty in the Chinese hotel industry Matthew Tingchi Liu 14
影响估差:京湘新闻人中的第三者效应和第一者因素 彭雪华 14
俄乌冲突、大国竞争与世界地缘政治格局的演变—以地缘政治学为研究视角 胡偉星 14
网帖标题长度对点读和转发的影响—— 基于选择螺旋和适效信息理论的分析 趙心樹 13
文化融合视域下中国传统文化节目的 网生代用户群体研究 ———基于阶梯模型的实证分析 徐敏, Xu, Min 13
中巴合作與巴西問題研究 Jatobá, Júlio Reis 12
Artificial intelligence research in hospitality: a state-of-the-art review and fut.. Law Rob 12
Andrographolide derivative as STAT3 inhibitor that protects acute liver damage in .. Chen, Shao-Ru 11
Innovative marketing strategies for the successful construction of drone food deli.. Choe, J. Y. J 11
Do AI-powered mutual funds perform better? Chen, Rui 11
Employee engagement, its antecedents and effects on business performance in hospit.. Liu, X. M. 11
从太阳花看民主与民粹 趙心樹 11
Understanding mechanistic reasoning from a complex system perspective TANG XIAOWEI 11
Characterizing Microservice Dependency and Performance: Alibaba Trace Analysis Shutian Luo 10
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on Macao. From tourism lockdown to tourism .. Glenn McCartney 10
Les dangers de la manipulation subliminale de l’IA Neuwirth, Rostam J. 10
“八三一框架”的寬鬆解读和民主空間 趙心樹 10
Perceived benefits, perceived risk, and trust: Influences on consumers' group buyi.. Tingchi Liu M. 9
Applying consumer-based brand equity in luxury hotel branding Matthew Tingchi Liu 9
From Rank Estimation to Rank Approximation: Rank Residual Constraint for Image Res.. Zhiyuan Zha 9
Limited-edition advertising does not always work for luxury brands: The influence .. Ting hsiang Tseng 9
Application of consumer innovativeness to the context of robotic restaurants Kim, J. J 9
《宗法制度與周代國家結構研究》讀後After reading "Patriarchal System and Zhou Dynas.. 楊兆貴 9
Adaptive Fourier Decomposition for Multi-Channel Signal Analysis Wang Ze 9
Teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language to non-Chinese learners in mainla.. Yang (Frank) Gong 8
美國亞利桑那州坦佩學區幼兒園與小學教學紀實 向天屏 8
Language teachers’ identity in teaching intercultural communicative competence Gong, Yang Frank 8
Advances in Gut Microbial Drug Metabolism Yifei Jia 8
Does Customers' Annual Report Tone have a Supply Chain Contagion Effect? —From th.. Di, L.L. 8
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics for .. Chen, Jia Hang 8
淺談澳門夫妻財產制度 梁靜姮 8
廣東陽江方言的多功能詞 「浮」 Xu Yuhang(徐宇航) 8
Adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack on secure arithmetic coding Jiantao Zhou 7
一种用于实现零极点型高阶滤波器的混合积分器双二阶单元 周玉梅 7
Tourism in Hoi An, Vietnam: impacts, perceived benefits, community attachment and .. Raymond Adongo 7
澳门大学住宿式书院与时俱进设立新目标 張美芳 7
把住宿式书院打造成社群教育平台——以澳门大学张昆仑书院为例 張美芳 7
Unlocking innovation: the impact of free trade zones on corporate innovation in Ch.. Hu, Ruiyang 7
Extracellular vesicles as a novel mediator of interkingdom communication Huang JuMin 7
漳州方言多功能词 “共” “合” 的历时分布与演变 Xu, Yuhang 7
一种触觉反馈方法、触觉反馈装置及电子设备 ZHONG JUNWEN 7
《澳門紀略》粵語音系特點 羅言發 LO IN FAT 7
錯案形成的原因及其救濟 LI ZHE 7
HB.12 人工智能在醫療健康領域應用中的法律和倫理考量(Legal and Ethical Consideratio.. LEONG CHENG HANG(梁靜姮) 7
Cyber security and privacy issues in smart grids Liu J. 6
Comparison studies of typing and handwriting in Chinese language learning: A synth.. Lyu, Boning 6
City resilience and recovery from COVID-19: The case of Macao McCartney, Glenn 6
显著性分析的四种功能 趙心樹 6
One country two systems: a comparative study of national identity between Hong Kon.. Cai, Tianji 6
儒家修齊治平思想溯源——論周公對孔、孟及其他儒家的影響The Origin of Confucian “Xi.. 楊兆貴 6
固相反应YCrO3化合物的晶体结构和磁性研究 Zhao, Q. 6
论国际民商事仲裁与诉讼的平行程序 涂廣建 6
作爲全人教育與知識整合平臺的書院 ――兼評《住宿式書院實踐全人教育理論――澳門大學.. 龔映雪 6
澳门特别行政区海域规划:现存问题与科学展望 税兵 6
Does Managerial Macro-cognition have "Imprinting"? Evidence from the Effect of Man.. Luo, Y. G. 6
澳門特別行政區醫療事故立法及其適用 梁靜姮 6
澳门、中山、广州三地方音史比较 Lo, I. F. 6
Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey: hospitality industry in Maca.. Liu, Matthew Tingchi 6
Lições de Direito da Família e das Sucessões Volume III Alimentos. Sucessões .. MANUEL MARCELINO ESCOVAR TRIGO 6
澳门中医药产业发展的PEST-SWOT策略分析 张辛聿 6
Breve enquadramento do contrato de locação financeira AUGUSTO TEIXEIRA GARCIA 6
后物质主义五十年: 理论变迁及经验趋势 Tony Huiquan Zhang 6
High-Speed and Time-Interleaved ADCs Using Additive-Neural-Network-Based Calibrati.. Zhai, Danfeng 6
Magnetic and Electronic Properties of 2D MSX (M= Ti, V, Co and Ni, X= Br and I) Li Yutong 6
Longitudinal high-dimensional analysis identifies immune features associating with.. Leung Elaine Lai Han 6
Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA): economic progress, diversi.. Dang Vinh 6
Recognition of Foreign Commercial Arbitration Awards Against Procedural Fairness C.. Moreira, João Ilhão 6
非线性霍尔效应及其器件应用 LAI SHEN 6
Macao’s Potential to Participate in Aircraft Financial Leasing Between China and .. Ming Liu 6
Entanglement and classical nonseparability convertible from orthogonal polarizatio.. Li, Minghui 6
Dual-target inhibitors of cholinesterase and GSK-3beta to modulate Alzheimer's dis.. He Junqiu 6
第三屆古代方志文獻與現代語言研究高峰論壇 羅言發 LO IN FAT 6
Cleavable Multifunctional Targeting Mixed Micelles with Sequential pH-Triggered TA.. Zhang, Jinming 5
Plant DNA barcoding: From gene to genome Li, Xiwen 5
Exploration of the successful glocalization of ethnic food: a case of Korean food Hwang, J 5
Non-recursive digital calibration for joint-elimination of transmitter and receive.. Wei-Han Yu 5
類比至數位轉換系統 趙汝法 5
類比至數位轉換器電路 Sin,S-W(冼世荣) 5
The influence of basketball dribbling on repeated high-intensity intermittent runs Kong,Zhaowei 5
The relationship between ICT and student literacy in mathematics, reading, and sci.. Xiang Hu 5