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The Influence of Support on Turnover Intention among Macau’s Hospitality Employees Conference paper
Chan, Sow Hup Joanne, Wei, J, James, J. The Influence of Support on Turnover Intention among Macau’s Hospitality Employees[C], 2020.
Authors:  Chan, Sow Hup Joanne;  Wei, J;  James, J
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/27
Affective Commitment  Emotional Exhaustion  Support  Retention  
Work engagement, tenure, and external opportunities moderate perceived high-performance work systems and affective commitment Journal article
Hu,Bin, Hou,Zhenhu, Mak,Miranda Chi Kuan, Xu,Sabrina Lingxiao, Yang,Xuhua, Hu,Tianlong, Qiu,Yong, Wen,Yueran. Work engagement, tenure, and external opportunities moderate perceived high-performance work systems and affective commitment[J]. Social Behavior and Personality, 2019, 47(5).
Authors:  Hu,Bin;  Hou,Zhenhu;  Mak,Miranda Chi Kuan;  Xu,Sabrina Lingxiao;  Yang,Xuhua; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:1.0/1.5 | Submit date:2020/11/11
Affective Commitment  Organizational Tenure  Perceived External Opportunities  Perceived High-performance Work Systems  Work Engagement  
Customer misbehavior and store managers’ work-to-family enrichment: The moderated mediation effect of work meaningfulness and organizational affective commitment Journal article
Loi, R., Xu, A. J., Chow, C. W. C., Kwok, J. M. L.. Customer misbehavior and store managers’ work-to-family enrichment: The moderated mediation effect of work meaningfulness and organizational affective commitment[J]. Human Resource Management, 2018, 1039-1048.
Authors:  Loi, R.;  Xu, A. J.;  Chow, C. W. C.;  Kwok, J. M. L.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:29 TC[Scopus]:32 | Submit date:2022/08/21
Customer Misbehavior  Organizational Affective Commitment  Work–family Enrichment  Work Meaningfulness  
Customer misbehavior and store managers' work-to-family enrichment: The moderated mediation effect of work meaningfulness and organizational affective commitment Journal article
Raymond Loi, Angela J. Xu, Cheris W. C. Chow, Jonathan M. L. Kwok. Customer misbehavior and store managers' work-to-family enrichment: The moderated mediation effect of work meaningfulness and organizational affective commitment[J]. Human Resource Management, 2018, 57(5), 1039-1048.
Authors:  Raymond Loi;  Angela J. Xu;  Cheris W. C. Chow;  Jonathan M. L. Kwok
Favorite | TC[WOS]:29 TC[Scopus]:32  IF:6.0/7.0 | Submit date:2018/10/31
Customer Misbehavior  Organizational Affective Commitment  Work-family Enrichment  Work Meaningfulness  
Managers' work-to-family enrichment: The role of customer misbehavior and work meaningfulness Conference paper
Loi, R., Xu, A. J., Chow, C. W. C., Kwok, J. M. L. . Managers' work-to-family enrichment: The role of customer misbehavior and work meaningfulness[C], 2016.
Authors:  Loi, R.;  Xu, A. J.;  Chow, C. W. C.;  Kwok, J. M. L.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/21
Work-family enrichment  Work meaningfulness  Customer misbehavior  Affective commitment  
A Dynamic Approach to Fairness: Effects of Temporal Changes of Fairness Perceptions on Job Attitudes Journal article
Kim,Tae Yeol, Lin,Xiao Wan, Leung,Kwok. A Dynamic Approach to Fairness: Effects of Temporal Changes of Fairness Perceptions on Job Attitudes[J]. Journal of Business and Psychology, 2015, 30(1), 163-175.
Authors:  Kim,Tae Yeol;  Lin,Xiao Wan;  Leung,Kwok
Favorite | TC[WOS]:19 TC[Scopus]:20 | Submit date:2019/08/01
Affective Organizational Commitment  Changes In Fairness Perceptions  Job Satisfaction  Organizational Justice  
Occupational Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Affective Commitment to Policing Among Taiwanese Police Officers Journal article
Shih-Ya Kuo. Occupational Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Affective Commitment to Policing Among Taiwanese Police Officers[J]. POLICE QUARTERLY, 2015, 18(1), 27-54.
Authors:  Shih-Ya Kuo
Favorite | TC[WOS]:37 TC[Scopus]:40  IF:2.9/3.2 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Occupational Stress  Job Satisfaction  Affective Commitment  Police  Taiwan  
The identity-based explanation of affective commitment Journal article
Lam, LW, Liu, Y. The identity-based explanation of affective commitment[J]. JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2014, 29(3), 321-340.
Authors:  Lam, LW;  Liu, Y
Favorite | TC[WOS]:30 TC[Scopus]:32  IF:3.1/4.5 | Submit date:2019/09/05
Affective Commitment  Organizational Identification  Social Identity And Self-categorization  Paper Type Research Paper  
Impact of Competitiveness on Salespeople’s Commitment and Performance Journal article
Long W.Lam. Impact of Competitiveness on Salespeople’s Commitment and Performance[J]. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 2012, 65(9), 1328-1334.
Authors:  Long W.Lam
Favorite | TC[WOS]:364 TC[Scopus]:413  IF:10.5/11.2 | Submit date:2019/09/06
Affective Commitment  Salespeople  Dispositional Competitiveness  Discretionary And Citizenship Behavior