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論語禘說內涵與朱子闡釋The connotation of the Analects of Confucius and Zhu Zi’s interpretation Journal article
YANG Zhao Gui, Wang Zixi. 論語禘說內涵與朱子闡釋The connotation of the Analects of Confucius and Zhu Zi’s interpretation[J]. 江西教育出版社, 2024.
Authors:  YANG Zhao Gui;  Wang Zixi
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孔子  《论语》  禘礼  朱子  
商周禘禮演變研究A Study on The Evolution of the Di Rituals during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties Journal article
楊兆貴, 趙殷尚. 商周禘禮演變研究A Study on The Evolution of the Di Rituals during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties[J]. 中國學論叢Journal of Chinese Studies, 2023(81), 1-30.
Authors:  楊兆貴;  趙殷尚
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禘礼 商代 西周 春秋  
司馬遷禮思想研究:以《史記‧禮書》為研究核心Sima Qian's ritual thoughts on the “Li Shu” of the Records of the Grand Historian(Shi Ji)”, Journal article
楊兆貴, 蔡超. 司馬遷禮思想研究:以《史記‧禮書》為研究核心Sima Qian's ritual thoughts on the “Li Shu” of the Records of the Grand Historian(Shi Ji)”,[J]. 南都學壇Academic Forum of Nandu(Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences), 2022(4), 9-17.
Authors:  楊兆貴;  蔡超
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从多声性看外交语言中问句的语义隐涵及其推理机制 Journal article
鞠晨, 袁毓林. 从多声性看外交语言中问句的语义隐涵及其推理机制[J]. 当代修辞学, 2022.
Authors:  鞠晨;  袁毓林
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外交语言  多声性  询问/反问  语义隐涵  推理机制  礼貌原则  
基于信息界域理论的汉日特指反问句语用分析 Journal article
吳婉, 陳訪澤. 基于信息界域理论的汉日特指反问句语用分析[J]. 宁波教育学院学报, 2022, 24(2), 103-107.
Authors:  吳婉;  陳訪澤
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先秦禘禮研究 Conference paper
Yeung, S. K.. 先秦禘禮研究[C], 2021.
Authors:  Yeung, S. K.
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禘礼  商代  西周  春秋  
朱子劉寶楠錢穆對《論語》禮說的注釋ZhuZi, Liu Baonan and Qian Mu's Commentary on the Li in the Analects of Confucius Journal article
Yeung Siu Kwai, H.C. NG. 朱子劉寶楠錢穆對《論語》禮說的注釋ZhuZi, Liu Baonan and Qian Mu's Commentary on the Li in the Analects of Confucius[J]. 朱子學研究Journal of Zhu Zi Xue Yan Jiu, 2021(36), 77-95.
Authors:  Yeung Siu Kwai;  H.C. NG
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朱子  刘宝楠  钱穆  《论语》      
閨閣與禮闈:盛昱《紅樓夢賦圖冊》的兩個批評視角 Journal article
王思豪. 閨閣與禮闈:盛昱《紅樓夢賦圖冊》的兩個批評視角[J]. 民族文學研究, 2020, 38(4), 92-102.
Authors:  王思豪
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沈谦  盛昱  红楼梦赋图册  礼闱  
方苞在异乡南京的宗族文化重建 Journal article
王思豪. 方苞在异乡南京的宗族文化重建[J]. 安慶師範大學學報, 2018, 13-19.
Authors:  王思豪
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明清时期澳门葡萄牙人的婚姻 Journal article
汤开建, 晏雪莲. 明清时期澳门葡萄牙人的婚姻[J]. 民族研究, 2017(3), 108-126.
Authors:  汤开建;  晏雪莲
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/10/31
澳门葡萄牙人  婚姻制度  婚礼形式  孤女婚姻  明清时期