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Can customer participation promote hospitality frontline employees’ extra-role service behavior? Journal article
Xu, Angela J., Zhu, Ting Ting, Loi, Raymond, Chow, Cheris W.C.. Can customer participation promote hospitality frontline employees’ extra-role service behavior?[J]. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2022, 35(1), 218-234.
Authors:  Xu, Angela J.;  Zhu, Ting Ting;  Loi, Raymond;  Chow, Cheris W.C.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:9.1/8.9 | Submit date:2023/02/08
Customer Participation  Extra-role Service Behavior  Negative Affect  Thriving  
Customer Engagement and its Outcomes: The Cross-Level Effect of Service Environment and Brand Equity Journal article
Ou, Juanjuan, Wong, Ip Kin Anthony, Prentice, Catherine, Liu, Matthew Tingchi. Customer Engagement and its Outcomes: The Cross-Level Effect of Service Environment and Brand Equity[J]. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 2020, 44(2), 377-402.
Authors:  Ou, Juanjuan;  Wong, Ip Kin Anthony;  Prentice, Catherine;  Liu, Matthew Tingchi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:42 TC[Scopus]:51  IF:4.4/5.0 | Submit date:2021/12/06
Brand Equity  Casino  Customer Engagement  Impulsive Behavior  Loyalty  Service Environment  
Customer engagement and its outcomes: The roles of service environment and brand equity Conference paper
Ou, J., Wong, A. I, Liu, T. C.. Customer engagement and its outcomes: The roles of service environment and brand equity[C], 2018.
Authors:  Ou, J.;  Wong, A. I;  Liu, T. C.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/07
customer engagement  impulsive behavior  loyalty  service environment  brand equity  
Motivation of travel agents’ customer service behavior and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of leader-member exchange and internal marketing orientation. Journal article
Chow, C. W. C., Lai, J. Y. M., Loi, R.. Motivation of travel agents’ customer service behavior and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of leader-member exchange and internal marketing orientation.[J]. Tourism Management, 2015, 362-369.
Authors:  Chow, C. W. C.;  Lai, J. Y. M.;  Loi, R.
Favorite |   IF:10.9/11.5 | Submit date:2022/08/21
Leader-member Exchange  internal marketing orientation  customer service behavior  organizational citizenship behavior  travel agent  
Motivation of travel agents’ customer service behavior and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of leader-member exchange and internal marketing orientation Journal article
Cheris W.C. Chow, Jennifer Y.M. Lai, Raymond Loi. Motivation of travel agents’ customer service behavior and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of leader-member exchange and internal marketing orientation[J]. Tourism Management, 2015, 48, 362-369.
Authors:  Cheris W.C. Chow;  Jennifer Y.M. Lai;  Raymond Loi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:53 TC[Scopus]:60  IF:10.9/11.5 | Submit date:2019/10/17
Organizational Citizenship Behavior  Leader-member Exchange  Internal Marketing Orientation  Customer Service Behavior  Travel Agent  
Does perceived CSR initiatives enhance customer preference and loyalty in casinos? Journal article
Liu, T. C., Wong, A.I., Chu, R., Tseng, T.. Does perceived CSR initiatives enhance customer preference and loyalty in casinos?[J]. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2014, 1024-1045 (SSCI, Scopus, Web of Science).
Authors:  Liu, T. C.;  Wong, A.I.;  Chu, R.;  Tseng, T.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:90 TC[Scopus]:104  IF:9.1/8.9 | Submit date:2022/06/07
Corporate Social Responsibility  Customer Loyalty  Responsibility  Service Industry  Brand Preference  Relationship Marketing  Consumer Behavior  Casinos  Csr Initiatives  Premium Customers  Macau  
Do perceived CSR initiatives enhance customer preference and loyalty in casinos? Journal article
Liu,Matthew Tingchi, Wong,Ipkin Anthony, Rongwei,Chu, Tseng,Ting Hsiang. Do perceived CSR initiatives enhance customer preference and loyalty in casinos?[J]. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2014, 26(7), 1024-1045.
Authors:  Liu,Matthew Tingchi;  Wong,Ipkin Anthony;  Rongwei,Chu;  Tseng,Ting Hsiang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:90 TC[Scopus]:104 | Submit date:2019/08/15
Brand Preference  Branding  Casinos  Consumer Behavior  Corporate Social Responsibility  Csr Initiatives  Customer Loyalty  Macau  Premium Customers  Relationship Marketing  Responsibility  Service Industry