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Impact of the Second Vatican Council on Catholic School Education in Macau
PublisherMacao Diocese
Publication PlaceMacao
Abstract「梵蒂岡第二次大公會議」(1962-1965)(下簡稱梵二)是近代天主教教會最具影響力的一場更新運動。梵二雖距今已逾五十年,然而整個世界與人類社會發展乃至普世教會在這期間都發生了翻天覆地的變化。為了回應當下社會發展的需要,以及普世教會未來的發展路向,以 Peter Hünermann 教授為召集人的「國際神學研究計劃–梵蒂岡第二次大公會議五十年──文本和語境、吸納和挑戰」(下簡稱「國際神學研究計劃」),於 2016 年 9 月邀請了全球的神學家在德國法倫達爾(Vallendar)神學院召開籌備會議,檢視梵二會議的實踐,並且議決了若干的工作方向和原則,期盼梵二成為第三個千年教會的靈感來源。當中,梵二在中國的回響是國際研究計劃中一個組成部份,涵蓋了中國大陸、台灣、香港和澳門。澳門作為中國的一個部份,是通往中國的南大門,也是歷史上一個重要的中西文化交匯點,在天主教教會來華的歷史中舉足輕重,且是天主教教會在遠東成立的最早教區,因此,澳門的參與具特殊的歷史意義。
Other AbstractThe "Second Vatican Council" (1962-1965), hereinafter referred to as Vatican II, was the most influential renewal movement in modern Catholic Church. Although over fifty years have passed since Vatican II, the world and human society have undergone tremendous changes during this period, affecting even the universal church. To respond to the needs of contemporary social development and to outline the future direction of the universal church, Professor Peter Hünermann convened an "International Theological Research Project – Fifty Years of Vatican II: Texts and Contexts, Reception and Challenges" (hereinafter referred to as the "International Theological Research Project") in September 2016. This project invited theologians from around the world to a preparatory meeting at Vallendar Theology College in Germany. They reviewed the practices of Vatican II and established several working directions and principles, hoping that Vatican II would serve as an inspiration for the church in the third millennium. Among these efforts, the response to Vatican II in China is a component of the International Theological Research Project. It covers mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. Macau holds special historical significance as part of China; it serves as China's southern gateway and has been an important intersection point for Chinese and Western cultures throughout history. Macau played a crucial role in the history of Catholic missions to China and was one of the earliest dioceses established by the Catholic Church in East Asia. Therefore, Macau's participation bears unique historical importance.
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Document TypeBook
CollectionFaculty of Education
Corresponding AuthorVONG SOU KUAN
AffiliationFaculty of Education, University of Macau
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
VONG SOU KUAN. Impact of the Second Vatican Council on Catholic School Education in Macau[M]. Macao:Macao Diocese, 2024.
APA VONG SOU KUAN.(2024). Impact of the Second Vatican Council on Catholic School Education in Macau. Macao Diocese.
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