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The SSARC pedagogic model for task-based teaching to Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language Project
项目类型: MYRG, 项目编号: MYRG2022-00029-FAH, 资助机构: University of Macau, 2023-2024
Authors:  Santos, Sara
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/08/15
EU FDI Screening Regulation and Its Effects on Chinese Investments in Europe Project
项目类型: MYRG, 项目编号: MYRG2022-00117-FLL, 资助机构: University of Macau, 2023-2024
Authors:  Svetlicinii, A.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2023/03/29
Chinese Learner Corpus of Portuguese: Construction and Research Project
项目类型: MYRG, 项目编号: MYRG2020-00139-FAH, 资助机构: University of Macau, 2022-2023
Authors:  Zhang, Jing;  Wong, Fai Derek
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/24
Corpus  Português  Aprendentes Chineses  
Investigating the effects of task sequencing on the oral performance of Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language Project
项目类型: SRG, 项目编号: SRG2020-00025-FAH, 资助机构: University of Macau, 2020-2023
Authors:  Santos, Sara
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/08/17
Corpus-based Research of Cross-linguistic Influence in the Acquisition of Portuguese L2 by Chinese Learners Project
项目类型: SRG, 项目编号: SRG2020-00021-FAH, 资助机构: University of Macau, 2020-2022
Authors:  Zhang, Jing
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Corpus  Influência Interlinguística  Aquisição De Português L2  Aprendentes Chineses  
Describing the meanings and the distribution of meaning of prefix de– using English-Chinese parallel corpora Project
项目类型: MYRG, 项目编号: MYRG2019-00162-FAH, 资助机构: University of Macau, 2020-2021
Authors:  Wang, Vincent X.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/22
Prefix, Affixation, Corpus Linguistics, Translation, Parallel Corpus