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The transfer effect of computational thinking (CT)-STEM: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis Journal article
Li, Zuokun, Oon, Pey Tee. The transfer effect of computational thinking (CT)-STEM: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis[J]. International Journal of STEM Education, 2024, 11(1), 44.
Authors:  Li, Zuokun;  Oon, Pey Tee
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:5.6/7.5 | Submit date:2024/10/10
Computational Thinking (Ct)  Meta-analysis  Stem  Systematic Literature Review  Transfer Effect  
Ritual in tourism: Evolution, Progress, and future prospects Journal article
Chen, Huan, Xu, Shaogui, Law, Rob, Zhang, Mu. Ritual in tourism: Evolution, Progress, and future prospects[J]. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2024, 52, 101258.
Authors:  Chen, Huan;  Xu, Shaogui;  Law, Rob;  Zhang, Mu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:7.3/8.0 | Submit date:2024/06/05
Bibliometric Analysis  Conceptual Model  Ritual  Systematic Literature Review  Tourism