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Structure and magnetic properties of a La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.90O3−δ single crystal Journal article
Sun, Kaitong, Zhu, Yinghao, Yano, Shinichiro, Zhao, Qian, Su, Muqing, Xu, Guanping, Zheng, Ruifeng, Fu, Ying Ellie, Li, Hai Feng. Structure and magnetic properties of a La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.90O3−δ single crystal[J]. PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 2024, 678, 415776.
Authors:  Sun, Kaitong;  Zhu, Yinghao;  Yano, Shinichiro;  Zhao, Qian;  Su, Muqing; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.8/2.4 | Submit date:2024/05/02
Chromate  Chromium Oxidation State  Crystal Structure  Magnetic Properties  Single Crystal Growth  
The structural and magnetic properties of single-crystal Gd4Ga2O9 Journal article
X. Yin, Y. Zhong, Y. Cao, Y. Li, G. Wang, J. Zhao, K. Xu, Z. Li, Guo Hong, D. Qian. The structural and magnetic properties of single-crystal Gd4Ga2O9[J]. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, 2021, 54, 1641-1646.
Authors:  X. Yin;  Y. Zhong;  Y. Cao;  Y. Li;  G. Wang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:5.2/5.0 | Submit date:2022/08/22
X-ray Powder Diffraction  Rietveld Refinement  Single-crystal Growth  Antiferromagnetic Phase Transitions  Magnetic Frustration  
Super-Necking Crystal Growth and Structural and Magnetic Properties of SrTb$_2$O$_4$ Single Crystals Journal article
Wu, S., Zhu, Y., Gao, H., Xiao, Y., Xia, J., Zhou, P., Ouyang, D., Li, Z., Chen, Z., Tang, Z., Li, H.-F.. Super-Necking Crystal Growth and Structural and Magnetic Properties of SrTb$_2$O$_4$ Single Crystals[J]. ACS Omega, 2020, 16584-16594.
Authors:  Wu, S.;  Zhu, Y.;  Gao, H.;  Xiao, Y.;  Xia, J.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:3.7/4.0 | Submit date:2022/08/11
Crystal Growth  Structural And Magnetic Properties  srtb$_2$o$_4$  Single Crystals  
Synthesis of large single crystals of AlPO-LTA by using n-Propylamine as structure directing agent Journal article
Xu X.T., Zhai J.P., Chen Y.P., Li I.L., Chen H.Y., Ruan S.C., Tang Z.K.. Synthesis of large single crystals of AlPO-LTA by using n-Propylamine as structure directing agent[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, 407, 1-5.
Authors:  Xu X.T.;  Zhai J.P.;  Chen Y.P.;  Li I.L.;  Chen H.Y.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:14 TC[Scopus]:16 | Submit date:2019/04/08
A1. Crystal Morphology  A2. Hydrothermal Crystal Growth  A2. Single Crystal Growth  B1. Phosphates