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Pain resilience dimensions and regional gray matter volume as risk factors for poor outcomes of chronic pain: a prospective cohort study Journal article
You, Beibei, Wen, Hongwei, Jackson, Todd. Pain resilience dimensions and regional gray matter volume as risk factors for poor outcomes of chronic pain: a prospective cohort study[J]. Psychological Medicine, 2024, 54(13), 3636-3645.
Authors:  You, Beibei;  Wen, Hongwei;  Jackson, Todd
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:5.9/6.5 | Submit date:2024/12/05
Chronic Pain  Gray Matter Volume  Longitudinal  Mediation  Pain Resilience  
Resting-state brain activity as a biomarker of chronic pain impairment and a mediator of its association with pain resilience Journal article
You, Beibei, Wen, Hongwei, Jackson, Todd. Resting-state brain activity as a biomarker of chronic pain impairment and a mediator of its association with pain resilience[J]. Human Brain Mapping, 2024, 45(10), e26780.
Authors:  You, Beibei;  Wen, Hongwei;  Jackson, Todd
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.5/4.7 | Submit date:2024/08/05
Caudate Nucleus  Chronic Pain  Mediation  Pain Resilience  Resting-state Activity  
Investigating mortality salience as a potential causal influence and moderator of responses to laboratory pain Journal article
You, Beibei, Wen, Hongwei, Jackson, Todd. Investigating mortality salience as a potential causal influence and moderator of responses to laboratory pain[J]. PeerJ, 2024, 12(4), e17204.
Authors:  You, Beibei;  Wen, Hongwei;  Jackson, Todd
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:2.3/2.8 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Moderation Effects  Mortality Salience  Pain Resilience  Pain Tolerance  
Identifying resting state differences salient for resilience to chronic pain based on machine learning multivariate pattern analysis Journal article
Beibei You, Hongwei Wen, Todd Jackson. Identifying resting state differences salient for resilience to chronic pain based on machine learning multivariate pattern analysis[J]. Psychophysiology, 2021, 58(12).
Authors:  Beibei You;  Hongwei Wen;  Todd Jackson
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:2.9/3.8 | Submit date:2021/12/09
Chronic Pain  Multiple Kernel Learning  Resilience  Resting State Mri  
Gray Matter Volume Differences Between More Versus Less Resilient Adults with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Voxel-based Morphology Study Journal article
You, Beibei, Jackson, Todd. Gray Matter Volume Differences Between More Versus Less Resilient Adults with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Voxel-based Morphology Study[J]. NEUROSCIENCE, 2021, 457, 155-164.
Authors:  You, Beibei;  Jackson, Todd
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:9  IF:2.9/3.0 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Chinese  Chronic Pain  Gray Matter Volume  Pain Resilience  Vbm  
Gray matter volume differences between lower, average, and higher pain resilience subgroups Journal article
Li, Fenghua, Jackson, Todd. Gray matter volume differences between lower, average, and higher pain resilience subgroups[J]. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 2020, 57(10), e13631.
Authors:  Li, Fenghua;  Jackson, Todd
Favorite | TC[WOS]:8 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:2.9/3.8 | Submit date:2021/12/06
Gray Matter Volume  Pain  Resilience  Structural Mri  Voxel-based Morphometry  
Pain beliefs mediate relations between general resilience and dysfunction from chronic back pain Journal article
Chen,Shuanghong, Jackson,Todd. Pain beliefs mediate relations between general resilience and dysfunction from chronic back pain[J]. REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY, 2018, 63(4), 604-611.
Authors:  Chen,Shuanghong;  Jackson,Todd
Favorite | TC[WOS]:23 TC[Scopus]:27  IF:1.9/2.7 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Challenge Appraisals  Chronic Back Pain  Pain Catastrophizing  Pain Self-efficacy  Resilience  
Pain beliefs mediate relations between general resilience and dysfunction from chronic back pain Journal article
Chen,Shuanghong, Jackson,Todd. Pain beliefs mediate relations between general resilience and dysfunction from chronic back pain[J]. REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY, 2018, 63(4), 604-611.
Authors:  Chen,Shuanghong;  Jackson,Todd
Favorite | TC[WOS]:23 TC[Scopus]:27  IF:1.9/2.7 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Challenge Appraisals  Chronic Back Pain  Pain Catastrophizing  Pain Self-efficacy  Resilience  
Pain beliefs mediate relations between general resilience and dysfunction from chronic back pain Journal article
Chen,Shuanghong, Jackson,Todd. Pain beliefs mediate relations between general resilience and dysfunction from chronic back pain[J]. REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY, 2018, 63(4), 604-611.
Authors:  Chen,Shuanghong;  Jackson,Todd
Favorite | TC[WOS]:23 TC[Scopus]:27  IF:1.9/2.7 | Submit date:2019/07/08
Challenge Appraisals  Chronic Back Pain  Pain Catastrophizing  Pain Self-efficacy  Resilience  
Pain Beliefs Mediate Relations Between General Resilience an Dysfunction From Chronic Back Pain Journal article
Chen, Shuanghong, Jackson, Todd. Pain Beliefs Mediate Relations Between General Resilience an Dysfunction From Chronic Back Pain[J]. REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY, 2018, 63(4), 604-611.
Authors:  Chen, Shuanghong;  Jackson, Todd
Favorite | TC[WOS]:23 TC[Scopus]:27  IF:1.9/2.7 | Submit date:2019/01/17
Resilience  Chronic Back Pain  Challenge Appraisals  Pain Self-efficacy  Pain Catastrophizing