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The (un)avoidable “monstrous disgusting bug” (ungeheueres Ungeziefer) in the retranslation of Kafka's Die Verwandlung Journal article
Abi-Sâmara, Raquel. The (un)avoidable “monstrous disgusting bug” (ungeheueres Ungeziefer) in the retranslation of Kafka's Die Verwandlung[J]. Cadernos de Traducao, 2021, 41(3), 221-241.
Authors:  Abi-Sâmara, Raquel
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a Metamorfose  Franz Kafka  Franz Kafka  Literary Translation  Metamorphosis  Retradução  Retranslation  Tradução  Ungeheueres Ungeziefer  Ungeheueres Ungeziefer  
The role of nature in the metamorphosis and in the thingification (Dinglichkeit) of Gregor Samsa (Kafka) Conference
会议类型: 國際會議International Conferences,
Authors:  Abi-Samara, Raquel
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/18
Franz Kafka  The Metamorphosis (Kafka)  Animal Nature In Kafka's Metamorphosis