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Study of FACTS and DFACTS in China Conference paper
Han Yingduo, Chen Jianye, Jiang Qirong, Wong Manchung. Study of FACTS and DFACTS in China[C]:IEEE, 2000, 39-45.
Authors:  Han Yingduo;  Chen Jianye;  Jiang Qirong;  Wong Manchung
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:3 | Submit date:2019/03/01
Statcom  Facts  Dfacts  Asvg  Dvr  Active Filter  
Modelling of ASVG System, Control and Simulation Journal article
Huang Zhigang, Zhang Linzheng. Modelling of ASVG System, Control and Simulation[J]. ELECTRIC MACHINES AND CONTROL, 1998, 2(1), 61-67.
Authors:  Huang Zhigang;  Zhang Linzheng
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/03/21
Asvg System  Firing Angle  Conducting Angle