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Lysyl oxidase promotes liver metastasis of gastric cancer via facilitating the reciprocal interactions between tumor cells and cancer associated fibroblasts Journal article
Li, Q, Zhu, CC, Ni, B, Zhang, ZZ, Jiang, SH, Hu, LP, Wang, X, Zhang,XX, Huang, PQ, Yang, Q, Li, J, Gu, JR, Xu, J, Luo, KQ, Zhao, G, Zhang, ZG. Lysyl oxidase promotes liver metastasis of gastric cancer via facilitating the reciprocal interactions between tumor cells and cancer associated fibroblasts[J]. EBioMedicine, 2019, 49, 157-171.
Authors:  Li, Q;  Zhu, CC;  Ni, B;  Zhang, ZZ;  Jiang, SH; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:65 TC[Scopus]:65  IF:9.7/9.2 | Submit date:2022/08/26
Gastric Cancer  Liver Metastasis  Lox  Cafs  Warburg Effect  
山核桃葉總黃酮及其單體化合物對血管緊張素Ⅱ誘導的血管平滑肌細胞增殖和遷移的抑制作用 Journal article
Shen, YY, Zhu, XX, Jiang, FS, Jin, B, Ding, B, Lu, J., Ding, ZS. 山核桃葉總黃酮及其單體化合物對血管緊張素Ⅱ誘導的血管平滑肌細胞增殖和遷移的抑制作用[J]. 中國實驗方劑學雜誌, 2014, 119-122.
Authors:  Shen, YY;  Zhu, XX;  Jiang, FS;  Jin, B;  Ding, B; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/03/31
Total Flavonoids From The Leaves Of Carya Cathayensis Sarg.  Angiotensin ⅱ  Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells  Proliferation  Migration