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Do Good and Do No Harm Too: Employee-Related Corporate Social (Ir) responsibility and Information Security Performance Journal article
WANG QIAN, Dan Pienta, Shenyang Jiang, Eric W. T. Ngai, Jason Bennett Thatcher. Do Good and Do No Harm Too: Employee-Related Corporate Social (Ir) responsibility and Information Security Performance[J]. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2025, 26(1), 171-204.
Authors:  WANG QIAN;  Dan Pienta;  Shenyang Jiang;  Eric W. T. Ngai;  Jason Bennett Thatcher
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:7.0/7.4 | Submit date:2025/01/19
Impact of Data Breach on IT Investment: Embracing Both Failure Learning and Threat Rigidity Journal article
Wang, Qian, Peng, Chih Hung, Jin, Yong, Jiang, Shenyang. Impact of Data Breach on IT Investment: Embracing Both Failure Learning and Threat Rigidity[J]. Production and Operations Management, 2024.
Authors:  Wang, Qian;  Peng, Chih Hung;  Jin, Yong;  Jiang, Shenyang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.8/6.0 | Submit date:2024/11/05
Data Breach  Information Technology Investment  It Innovation  Failure Learning Theory  Threat Rigidity Theory  
Vendor selection in the wake of data breaches: A longitudinal study Journal article
Wang, Qian, Jiang, Shenyang, Ngai, Eric W.T., Huo, Baofeng. Vendor selection in the wake of data breaches: A longitudinal study[J]. Journal of Operations Management, 2024, 70(4), 568-599.
Authors:  Wang, Qian;  Jiang, Shenyang;  Ngai, Eric W.T.;  Huo, Baofeng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:6.5/9.2 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Attention-based View  Data Breach  Electronic Medical Record Systems  Information Security  Information Technology Outsourcing  Vendor Selection