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Bodipy-Based Donor/Donor-Acceptor System: Towards Highly Efficient Long Wavelength-Excitable Near-IR Polymer Dots with Narrow and Strong Absorption Features Journal article
Chen, L., Chen, D., Jiang, Y., Zhang, J., Yu, J., DuFort, C., Hingorani, S., Zhang, X., Wu, C., Chiu, D.. Bodipy-Based Donor/Donor-Acceptor System: Towards Highly Efficient Long Wavelength-Excitable Near-IR Polymer Dots with Narrow and Strong Absorption Features[J]. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 7008-7012.
Authors:  Chen, L.;  Chen, D.;  Jiang, Y.;  Zhang, J.;  Yu, J.; et al.
Favorite |   IF:16.1/16.2 | Submit date:2022/08/07
BODIPY  in vivo imaging  narrow-band absorption  near-infrared emission  semiconducting polymer dots