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Role of Adaptive Selling and Consumer Orientation on Salesperson Performance: Evidence from Two Distinct Markets of Europe and Asia Journal article
Kaynak, E., Kara, A, Chow, C.S.F., Laukanen, T.. Role of Adaptive Selling and Consumer Orientation on Salesperson Performance: Evidence from Two Distinct Markets of Europe and Asia[J]. Journal of Transnational Management, 2016, 21(2), 62-83.
Authors:  Kaynak, E.;  Kara, A;  Chow, C.S.F.;  Laukanen, T.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:25 | Submit date:2019/09/18
Adaptive Selling  Salesperson Performance  Finland  Customer Orientation  Cross-country Investigation  Macau  
Global Marketers’ Dilemma: Whether to Translate the Brand Name into Local Language Journal article
Chow, C.S.F., Tang, E.P.Y., Fu, I.S.F.. Global Marketers’ Dilemma: Whether to Translate the Brand Name into Local Language[J]. Journal of Global Marketing, 2007, 20(4), 25.
Authors:  Chow, C.S.F.;  Tang, E.P.Y.;  Fu, I.S.F.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/09/17
Purchase Intention  China Market  Brand Name Translation  Hedonism  Consumer Involvement