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轮胎非线性纵滑力学特性的分段 仿射辨识建模方法 Journal article
Sun, X.Q., Hu, W.W., Wu, P.C., Wong, P. K., Chen, L.. 轮胎非线性纵滑力学特性的分段 仿射辨识建模方法[J]. 西 安 交 通 大 学 学 报, 2021, 52-60.
Authors:  Sun, X.Q.;  Hu, W.W.;  Wu, P.C.;  Wong, P. K.;  Chen, L.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/11/04
车辆  轮胎  纵滑力学特性  非线性建模  分段仿射辨识  
NFTSM control of direct yaw moment for autonomous electric vehicles with consideration of tire nonlinear mechanical properties Journal article
Sun, X.Q., Wang, Y.J., Cai, Y.F., Wong, P. K., Chen, L.. NFTSM control of direct yaw moment for autonomous electric vehicles with consideration of tire nonlinear mechanical properties[J]. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 2021, 69(3), e137065.
Authors:  Sun, X.Q.;  Wang, Y.J.;  Cai, Y.F.;  Wong, P. K.;  Chen, L.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:7 | Submit date:2022/08/23
Autonomous Electric Vehicles  Direct Yaw Moment Control (Dyc)  Tire Nonlinear Mechanical Properties  Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode (Nftsm)  Trust-region Interior-point Method  
Bioactive Limonoids and Triterpenoids from the Fruits of Melia azedarach. Journal article
Song, M., Zhang, J., Chan, G., Hou, Y., Chen, X. P., Zhang, X.Q., Ye, W.C., Zhang, Q. W.. Bioactive Limonoids and Triterpenoids from the Fruits of Melia azedarach.[J]. J Nat Prod, 2020, 83, 3502-3510.
Authors:  Song, M.;  Zhang, J.;  Chan, G.;  Hou, Y.;  Chen, X. P.; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/09
Limonoids  Triterpenoids  Melia Azedarach  
Identification of a piecewise affine model for the tire cornering characteristics based on experimental data Journal article
Sun, X.Q., Hu, W.W., Cai, Y.F., Wong, P. K., Chen, L.. Identification of a piecewise affine model for the tire cornering characteristics based on experimental data[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics (SCI-E), 2020, 101(2), 857-874.
Authors:  Sun, X.Q.;  Hu, W.W.;  Cai, Y.F.;  Wong, P. K.;  Chen, L.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:11 | Submit date:2022/08/31
Tire  Cornering Characteristics  Modeling  Piecewise Affine Identification  Experimental Data  
Preparation of inulin-type fructooligosaccharides using fast protein liquid chromatography coupled with refractive index detection Journal article
Li J., Cheong K.L., Zhao J., Hu D.J., Chen X.Q., Qiao C.F., Zhang Q.W., Chen Y.W., Li S.P.. Preparation of inulin-type fructooligosaccharides using fast protein liquid chromatography coupled with refractive index detection[J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013, 1308, 52-57.
Authors:  Li J.;  Cheong K.L.;  Zhao J.;  Hu D.J.;  Chen X.Q.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:27 TC[Scopus]:32  IF:3.8/3.5 | Submit date:2018/11/06
Burdock  Fplc  Fructooligosaccharide  Rid  
Some relationships between optimal preconditioner and superoptimal preconditioner Book chapter
出自: Matrix Methods: Theory, Algorithms and Applications: Dedicated to the Memory of Gene Golub:World Scientific Publishing Co., 2010, 页码:266-272
Authors:  Chen J.B.;  Xu Z.L.;  Jin X.Q.;  Wei Y.M.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Optimal Preconditioner  Superoptimal Preconditioner  
Beneficial effects of danshensu, an active component of Salvia miltiorrhiza, on homocysteine metabolism via the trans-sulphuration pathway in rats Journal article
Cao Y.G., Chai J.G., Chen Y.C., Zhao J., Zhou J., Shao J.P., Ma C., Liu X.D., Liu X.Q.. Beneficial effects of danshensu, an active component of Salvia miltiorrhiza, on homocysteine metabolism via the trans-sulphuration pathway in rats[J]. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2009, 157(3), 482-490.
Authors:  Cao Y.G.;  Chai J.G.;  Chen Y.C.;  Zhao J.;  Zhou J.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:23 TC[Scopus]:31 | Submit date:2018/12/28
Danshensu  Homocysteine  Polyphenols  Salvia Miltiorrhiza  Trans-sulphuration