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Constraints in the meanings of lay theories of culture in a culturally homogeneous society: A mixed-methods study on multiculturalism and polyculturalism in Wonosobo, Indonesia Journal article
Susana Tjipto, Allan B. I. Bernardo. Constraints in the meanings of lay theories of culture in a culturally homogeneous society: A mixed-methods study on multiculturalism and polyculturalism in Wonosobo, Indonesia[J]. Cogent Psychology, 2019, 6(1), 1-23.
Authors:  Susana Tjipto;  Allan B. I. Bernardo
Favorite | TC[WOS]:8 TC[Scopus]:9  IF:1.6/1.7 | Submit date:2019/08/08
Lay Theories Of Culture  Multiculturalism  Polyculturalism  Intergroup Attitudes  Mixed-method Research  
Polyculturalism: Viewing Cultures as Dynamically Connected and its Implications for Intercultural Attitudes in Colombia Journal article
Lisa Rosenthal, Luisa Ramirez, Sheri R. Levy, Allan B. I. Bernardo. Polyculturalism: Viewing Cultures as Dynamically Connected and its Implications for Intercultural Attitudes in Colombia[J]. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 2019, 37(1), 133-151.
Authors:  Lisa Rosenthal;  Luisa Ramirez;  Sheri R. Levy;  Allan B. I. Bernardo
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:7 | Submit date:2019/08/08
Colombia  Diversity  Globalization  Immigrants  Intercultural Attitudes  Intergroup Relations  Polyculturalism  
Financial Stress and Well-being of Filipino Students: The Moderating Role of External Locus-of-hope Journal article
Allan B. I. Bernardo, Katrina Fernando Resurreccion. Financial Stress and Well-being of Filipino Students: The Moderating Role of External Locus-of-hope[J]. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 2018, 51(1), 33-61.
Authors:  Allan B. I. Bernardo;  Katrina Fernando Resurreccion
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/08/08
Financial Stress  Locus-of-hope  Hope Theory  Well-being  Life Satisfaction  University Students  
Positive Psychology Research in the Philippines: An Introduction Journal article
Jesus Alfonso D. Datu, Allan B. I. Bernardo, Ronnel B. King. Positive Psychology Research in the Philippines: An Introduction[J]. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 2018, 51(1), 21-32.
Authors:  Jesus Alfonso D. Datu;  Allan B. I. Bernardo;  Ronnel B. King
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/08/08
Hope and satisfaction with life: Testing the mediating roles of self-esteem in three Asian cultures Journal article
ALLAN B. I. BERNARDO, AQEEL KHAN, MARIA GUADALUPE C. SALANGA. Hope and satisfaction with life: Testing the mediating roles of self-esteem in three Asian cultures[J]. ACCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA, 2018, 15(2), 69-82.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9  | Submit date:2019/08/07
Hope Theory  Relational Self-esteem  Satisfaction With Life  Culture  Personal Strengths  Locus-of-hope  Self-esteem  
Culturally Relevant Meanings of the Protestant Work Ethic and Attitudes towards Poor Persons Journal article
Allan B. I. Bernardo, Sheri R. Levy, Ashley E. Lytle. Culturally Relevant Meanings of the Protestant Work Ethic and Attitudes towards Poor Persons[J]. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2018, 21(e40), 1-9.
Authors:  Allan B. I. Bernardo;  Sheri R. Levy;  Ashley E. Lytle
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:2.9/2.0 | Submit date:2019/08/08
Attitudes  Culture  Individualism  Poverty  Protestant Work Ethic  
Socially Engaged Social Psychology in Asia: Sustaining Research Progress in Diverse Directions Journal article
Bernardo, Allan B. I., Liu, James H.. Socially Engaged Social Psychology in Asia: Sustaining Research Progress in Diverse Directions[J]. JOURNAL OF PACIFIC RIM PSYCHOLOGY, 2018, 12, 1-5.
Authors:  Bernardo, Allan B. I.;  Liu, James H.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:2.8/2.4 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Applied Social Psychology  Social Change  Social Concerns  Asian Societies  
Socioeconomic status and problem attributions: The mediating role of sense of control Journal article
Mary Angeline A. Daganzo, Allan B. I. Bernardo. Socioeconomic status and problem attributions: The mediating role of sense of control[J]. Cogent Psychology, 2018, 5(1), 1-16.
Authors:  Mary Angeline A. Daganzo;  Allan B. I. Bernardo
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:1.6/1.7 | Submit date:2019/08/08
Problem Attribution  Sense Of Control  Social Class  Socioeconomic Status  
Belief in polyculturalism and cultural intelligence: Individual- and country-level differences Journal article
Bernardo, Allan B. I., Presbitero, Alfred. Belief in polyculturalism and cultural intelligence: Individual- and country-level differences[J]. PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, 2017, 119, 307-310.
Authors:  Bernardo, Allan B. I.;  Presbitero, Alfred
Favorite | TC[WOS]:24 TC[Scopus]:28  IF:3.5/3.6 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Cultural Intelligence  Polyculturalism  Multiculturalism  Intergroup Ideologies  
Measuring depression, anxiety, and stress in Macau university students Journal article
Chan, Hei Ka, Bernardo, Allan B. I.. Measuring depression, anxiety, and stress in Macau university students[J]. ASIA-PACIFIC PSYCHIATRY, 2017, 9(3), 1.
Authors:  Chan, Hei Ka;  Bernardo, Allan B. I.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:2.8/3.0 | Submit date:2018/10/30