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Academia and Industry: Liquidity in the Real Estate Capital Markets from Debt and Equity Perspectives Presentation
会议地点: Hong Kong, 会议日期: 12 June 2024, 报告日期: 2024-06-01
Authors:  LAI Rose Neng
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The Impact of Proximity to Rare Disaster Risk on Real Estate Returns – The Case of Allies of Ukraine Conference paper
LAI Rose Neng, WANG Chongyu, HOESLI Martin. The Impact of Proximity to Rare Disaster Risk on Real Estate Returns – The Case of Allies of Ukraine[C]:University of Hong Kong, 2023.
Authors:  LAI Rose Neng;  WANG Chongyu;  HOESLI Martin
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Visiting Scholar Fellowship, CUHK-CCK Foundation Asia-Pacific Center for Chinese Studies Award
: 一等獎First Prize, 2019
Authors:  ZHANG YUE
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Governing ‘Glocalisation’: A View from the Macau Special Administrative Region of China Journal article
Neuwirth, Rostam J.. Governing ‘Glocalisation’: A View from the Macau Special Administrative Region of China[J]. City University of Hong Kong Law Review, 2012, 3(1), 89-109.
Authors:  Neuwirth, Rostam J.
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Glocalisation  Governance  Macau Sar  
yyy yyy yyy Journal article
Rostam J Neuwirth. yyy yyy yyy[J]. City University of Hong Kong Law Review, 2011, 3(1), 89-109.
Authors:  Rostam J Neuwirth
Favorite |  | Submit date:2021/08/08