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Monolithic Heterogeneous Integration of Si(100)/GaN CMOS Inverters and Normally-Off GaN Power Devices for High Switching Frequency and High Power Applications Conference paper
Fan, Yutong, Liu, Xi, Zhang, Weihang, Wu, Yinhe, Liu, Zhihong, Zhang, Chunfu, Jiang, Yang, Mak, Pui In, Hao, Yue, Zhang, Jincheng. Monolithic Heterogeneous Integration of Si(100)/GaN CMOS Inverters and Normally-Off GaN Power Devices for High Switching Frequency and High Power Applications[C]:IEEE, 2024, 267-270.
Authors:  Fan, Yutong;  Liu, Xi;  Zhang, Weihang;  Wu, Yinhe;  Liu, Zhihong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2024/08/05
Breakdown Voltage  Cmos  Gan  Inverter  Logic Integrated Circuit  Monolithic Integration  Mosfet  Si  
A 600-V GaN Active Gate Driver with Level Shifter Common-Mode Noise Sensing for Built-in dV/dt Self-Adaptive Control Conference paper
Liu,Tianqi, Martins,Rui P., Lu,Yan. A 600-V GaN Active Gate Driver with Level Shifter Common-Mode Noise Sensing for Built-in dV/dt Self-Adaptive Control[C]. Delta, et al., Huawei, Infineon, Mitsubishi Electric, Silergy:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023, 195-198.
Authors:  Liu,Tianqi;  Martins,Rui P.;  Lu,Yan
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:4 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Common Mode Noise  Dv/dt  Gan  Gate Driver  Self-adaptive Control