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How does VR differ from renderings in human perception of office layout design? A quantitative evaluation of a full-scale immersive VR Journal article
Wong,Mun On, Zheng,Zhenjie, Liang,Haoyang, Du,Jia, Zhou,Shenghua, Lee,Sanghoon. How does VR differ from renderings in human perception of office layout design? A quantitative evaluation of a full-scale immersive VR[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2023, 89, 102043.
Authors:  Wong,Mun On;  Zheng,Zhenjie;  Liang,Haoyang;  Du,Jia;  Zhou,Shenghua; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:6.1/7.4 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Comparative Experiment  Office Layout Evaluation  Open-plan Office  Quantitative Analysis  Stroop Color And Word Test  Virtual Reality