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A machine-learning model of academic resilience in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence drawn from 79 countries/economies in the PISA 2022 mathematics study Journal article
Cheung, Kwok cheung, Sit, Pou seong, Zheng, Jia qi, Lam, Chi chio, Mak, Soi kei, Ieong, Man kai. A machine-learning model of academic resilience in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence drawn from 79 countries/economies in the PISA 2022 mathematics study[J]. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2024.
Authors:  Cheung, Kwok cheung;  Sit, Pou seong;  Zheng, Jia qi;  Lam, Chi chio;  Mak, Soi kei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.1/4.0 | Submit date:2024/10/10
Academic Resilience  Explainable Artificial Intelligence  Gender Differences  Machine Learning  Mathematical Literacy  Pisa  
Socio-economic status, mastery-approach goals and learning-related outcomes: Mediation and moderation Journal article
King, Ronnel B., Wang, Faming, Leung, Shing On, Elliot, Andrew. Socio-economic status, mastery-approach goals and learning-related outcomes: Mediation and moderation[J]. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2024, 94(2), 499-517.
Authors:  King, Ronnel B.;  Wang, Faming;  Leung, Shing On;  Elliot, Andrew
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:3.1/4.0 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Achievement Goals  Mastery-approach Goals  Pisa  Socio-economic Status  
A reciprocal association between interpersonal relationship quality and student's positive affect: A three-wave random intercept cross-lagged study in a Chinese primary mathematics learning context Journal article
Cui, Tianxue, Liu, Qimeng, Shen, Nan. A reciprocal association between interpersonal relationship quality and student's positive affect: A three-wave random intercept cross-lagged study in a Chinese primary mathematics learning context[J]. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2024, 94(2), 601-621.
Authors:  Cui, Tianxue;  Liu, Qimeng;  Shen, Nan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.1/4.0 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Closeness/conflict  Interpersonal Relationship Quality  Mathematics Learning  Positive Affect  Reciprocal Relationships  
Cross-notation knowledge of rational numbers predicts fraction arithmetic Journal article
Ching, Boby Ho Hong, Li, Xiang Yu, Chen, Tiffany Ting. Cross-notation knowledge of rational numbers predicts fraction arithmetic[J]. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2024.
Authors:  Ching, Boby Ho Hong;  Li, Xiang Yu;  Chen, Tiffany Ting
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:3.1/4.0 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Arithmetic  Cross-notation Knowledge  Decimals  Fractions  Integrated Theory Of Numerical Development  Magnitude Knowledge  
Socio‐economic status mastery‐approach goals and learning‐related outcomes Journal article
Ronnel B. King, Faming Wang, LEUNG SHING ON, Andrew Elliot. Socio‐economic status mastery‐approach goals and learning‐related outcomes[J]. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2023, 94(2), 499-517.
Authors:  Ronnel B. King;  Faming Wang;  LEUNG SHING ON;  Andrew Elliot
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Achievement Goals  Mastery-approach Goals  Pisa  Socio-economic Status  
Grit and Academic Achievement: A Comparative Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis Journal article
Lam, Kelly Ka Lai, Zhou, Mingming. Grit and Academic Achievement: A Comparative Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis[J]. Journal of Educational Psychology, 2022, 114(3), 597-621.
Authors:  Lam, Kelly Ka Lai;  Zhou, Mingming
Favorite | TC[WOS]:60 TC[Scopus]:63  IF:5.6/7.0 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Academic Achievement  Cross-culture  Grit  Meta-analysis  Moderator  
Grit and academic achievement: A comparative cross-cultural meta-analysis Journal article
LAM, KELLY KALAI, ZHOU, MINGMING. Grit and academic achievement: A comparative cross-cultural meta-analysis[J]. Journal of Educational Psychology, 2021, 114(3), 597-621.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:60 TC[Scopus]:63  IF:5.6/7.0 | Submit date:2022/06/17
School/educational psychology at work around the globe Other
Authors:  van Schalkwyk, Gertina J.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Societal-level utility value strengthens the relationship between student-level utility value and achievement: A person-culture fit perspective Journal article
King, Ronnel B., Cai, Yuyang, Du, Hongfei. Societal-level utility value strengthens the relationship between student-level utility value and achievement: A person-culture fit perspective[J]. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2021, 91(1), 328-346.
Authors:  King, Ronnel B.;  Cai, Yuyang;  Du, Hongfei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:3.1/4.0 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Multi-level Random-slopes Sem  Person-culture Fit  Pisa  Socio-ecological Approach  Value Congruence  Value Fit  
Society-level social axiom moderates the association between growth mindset and achievement across cultures Journal article
Bernardo, Allan B.I., Cai, Yuyang, King, Ronnel Bornsal. Society-level social axiom moderates the association between growth mindset and achievement across cultures[J]. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2021, 91(4), 1166-1184.
Authors:  Bernardo, Allan B.I.;  Cai, Yuyang;  King, Ronnel Bornsal
Favorite | TC[WOS]:31 TC[Scopus]:38  IF:3.1/4.0 | Submit date:2021/12/09
Academic Achievement  Growth Mindset  Multilevel Sem With Random Slopes  Social Axioms  Social Complexity