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Design and Application of New Sensing Techniques for Safety Evaluation of Edible and Medicinal Plant Presentation
会议地点: Xiamen, Fujian province (Online), 会议日期: 20241107, 报告日期: 2024-11-01
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Consensus-based Coordination of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Frequency Regulation Service Conference paper
Hongyi Li, Hongxun Hui, Hongcai Zhang. Consensus-based Coordination of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Frequency Regulation Service[C], 2024.
Authors:  Hongyi Li;  Hongxun Hui;  Hongcai Zhang
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2024/09/20
A High-Performance Dual-Topology CMOS Rectifier With 19.5-dB Power Dynamic Range for RF-Based Hybrid Energy Harvesting Journal article
Choo,Alexander, Ramiah,Harikrishnan, Churchill,Kishore Kumar Pakkirisami, Chen,Yong, Mekhilef,Saad, Mak,Pui In, Martins,Rui P.. A High-Performance Dual-Topology CMOS Rectifier With 19.5-dB Power Dynamic Range for RF-Based Hybrid Energy Harvesting[J]. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2023, 31(8), 1253-1257.
Authors:  Choo,Alexander;  Ramiah,Harikrishnan;  Churchill,Kishore Kumar Pakkirisami;  Chen,Yong;  Mekhilef,Saad; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:2.8/2.8 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Power Conversion Efficiency (Pce)  Power Dynamic Range (Pdr)  Radio Frequency (Rf)-based Hybrid Energy Harvesting (Rf-heh)  
Spatial-Temporal Scheduling of Commercial EVs for System Restoration of a Damaged Power-Transportation Coupled Network Conference paper
Lingming Kong, Hongcai Zhang, Ningyi Dai. Spatial-Temporal Scheduling of Commercial EVs for System Restoration of a Damaged Power-Transportation Coupled Network[C], 2023.
Authors:  Lingming Kong;  Hongcai Zhang;  Ningyi Dai
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2023/07/12
Smoothing Tie-line Power for Microgrids by Controlling District Cooling System Based on Soft Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Conference paper
Peipei Yu, Hongcai Zhang, Yonghua Song. Smoothing Tie-line Power for Microgrids by Controlling District Cooling System Based on Soft Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning[C], 2023.
Authors:  Peipei Yu;  Hongcai Zhang;  Yonghua Song
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2023/07/12
Consumer Baseline Load Estimation in Demand Response: A Generative Adversarial Networks Approach Conference paper
Zhenyi Wang, Hongcai Zhang. Consumer Baseline Load Estimation in Demand Response: A Generative Adversarial Networks Approach[C], 2023.
Authors:  Zhenyi Wang;  Hongcai Zhang
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2023/07/12
A 0.0043-mm 0.085- W/MHz Relaxation Oscillator Using Charge-Prestored Asymmetric Swings R-RC Network Journal article
Wei,Yuchen, Yang,Shiheng, Liu,Yueduo, Bao,Rongxin, Zhu,Zihao, Lin,Jiahui, Zhang,Zehao, Chen,Yong, Yin,Jun, Mak,Pui In, Li,Qiang. A 0.0043-mm 0.085- W/MHz Relaxation Oscillator Using Charge-Prestored Asymmetric Swings R-RC Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2023, 31(8), 1248-1252.
Authors:  Wei,Yuchen;  Yang,Shiheng;  Liu,Yueduo;  Bao,Rongxin;  Zhu,Zihao; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:2.8/2.8 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Charge-prestored  Cmos  Energy Efficient  Inverter-based  Low Power  R-rc  Relaxation Oscillator  
A 4.5-W, 18.5–24.5-GHz GaN Power Amplifier Employing Chebyshev Matching Technique Journal article
Yujia, Wang, Jincheng, Zhang, Yong, Chen, Junyan, Ren, Shunli, Ma. A 4.5-W, 18.5–24.5-GHz GaN Power Amplifier Employing Chebyshev Matching Technique[J]. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2023, 31(2), 233-242.
Authors:  Yujia, Wang;  Jincheng, Zhang;  Yong, Chen;  Junyan, Ren;  Shunli, Ma
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:2.8/2.8 | Submit date:2023/01/30
Chebyshev Matching Technique  Gallium Nitride (Gan)  Power Added Efficiency (Pae)  Power Amplifier (Pa)  Satellite Communication  Wideband Matching Network  
In vivo Iron-Based Coordination Assembly for Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Journal article
Lin, Gan, Lin, Huirong, Yuan, Zhen, Liu, Gang. In vivo Iron-Based Coordination Assembly for Disease Diagnosis and Treatment[J]. BIO Integration, 2023, 4(2), 70-72.
Authors:  Lin, Gan;  Lin, Huirong;  Yuan, Zhen;  Liu, Gang
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2024/02/22
In Vivo Assembly  Iron-based Coordination Assembly  Multimodal Molecular Imaging  Theranostics  
A 3.6-GHz Type-II Sampling PLL With a Differential Parallel-Series Double-Edge S-PD Scoring 43.1-fsRMS Jitter, −258.7-dB FOM, and −75.17-dBc Reference Spur Journal article
Yunbo Huang, Yong Chen, Bo Zhao, Pui-In Mak, Rui P. Martins. A 3.6-GHz Type-II Sampling PLL With a Differential Parallel-Series Double-Edge S-PD Scoring 43.1-fsRMS Jitter, −258.7-dB FOM, and −75.17-dBc Reference Spur[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, 2022, 31(2), 188-198.
Authors:  Yunbo Huang;  Yong Chen;  Bo Zhao;  Pui-In Mak;  Rui P. Martins
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:2.8/2.8 | Submit date:2023/02/22
Cmos  Figure-of-merit (Fom)  Harmonic-rich Voltage-controlled Oscillator (Vco)  Integrated Jitter, Phase-detection Gain (Kpd)  Reference (Ref) Feedthrough Suppression  Sampling Phase-locked Loop (S-pll)  Reference (Ref) Feedthrough Suppression  Type-i  Type-ii