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傾聽學生的聲音:中國南方某小學五年級學生的課程詮釋Listening to students’ voices: Curriculum interpretations of fifth-grade students in an elementary school in South China Journal article
詹雨欣 Zhan, Yuxin, 宋明娟 Sung, Min-Chuan. 傾聽學生的聲音:中國南方某小學五年級學生的課程詮釋Listening to students’ voices: Curriculum interpretations of fifth-grade students in an elementary school in South China[J]. 教育研究集刊 Bulletin of Educational Research, 2022, 68(4), 41-77.
Authors:  詹雨欣 Zhan, Yuxin;  宋明娟 Sung, Min-Chuan
Favorite |  | Submit date:2023/01/08
課程詮釋curriculum Interpretation  洞察penetration  限制limitation  低社經地位背景學生low Socioeconomic Status Students  學生的聲音student Voice  
杜威實驗學校的課程理念與實踐 Theory and practice of curriculum in John Dewey’s Laboratory School Journal article
宋明娟. 杜威實驗學校的課程理念與實踐 Theory and practice of curriculum in John Dewey’s Laboratory School[J]. 教育研究集刊 Bulletin of Educational Research, 2019, 65(1), 1-41.
Authors:  宋明娟
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2021/04/18
杜威實驗學校  課程史  課程理念  課程實驗  
從八年研究實驗課程經驗反思高中課程改革的挑戰 Journal article
宋明娟, 甄曉蘭. 從八年研究實驗課程經驗反思高中課程改革的挑戰[J]. 教育研究集刊 Bulletin of Educational Research, 2013, 59(4), 47-79.
Authors:  宋明娟;  甄曉蘭
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高中課程  八年研究  課程改革  課程實驗