Google Scholar Citation

ALL Since 2020
Citations 40263 34306
h-index 85 74
i10-index 515 438

Keywords Cloud

Research Outputs

Co-authors[TOP 5]

Distinguished Professor
Title : Head of Department of Public Health and Medicinal Administration
Distinguished Professor
Institute: Faculty of Health Sciences
Research Fields: Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders, Mental Health, Public Health and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 8822 4223
Office: (Office) E12-3060 / (Lab) E12-3019
Consultation Hours: Tue, Wed 09:00 – 10:00
Notes: --

Research Contents

  1. Mental Health in the poor and sick
  2. Health Service Research
  3. Clinical studies in severe mental illness, particularly schizophrenia and mood disorders
  4. Psychiatric Epidemiology

Research Outputs

Total Number of Publication Items Total Citation Number H-index FWCI (Scival)
WOS Scopus WOS Scopus WOS Scopus
Total Number of Publication Items
Total Number of Publication Items under UM -