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ALL Since 2020
Citations 14105 7194
h-index 69 47
i10-index 201 152

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Co-authors[TOP 5]

XU Qingsong
Title : Professor
Institute: Faculty of Science and Technology
Research Fields: MEMS/NEMS, Micro/Nano Mechatronics, Micro/Nano Systems Compliant Mechanisms, Soft Robots, Force and Tactile Sensing Robotics and Automation, Intelligent Control, Artificial Intelligence Sensors and Actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, Energy Harvesting
Email: [email protected]
Notes: --
XU Qingsong

Research Contents

  • MEMS/NEMS, Micro/Nano Mechatronics, Micro/Nano Systems
  • Compliant Mechanisms, Soft Robots, Force and Tactile Sensing
  • Robotics and Automation, Intelligent Control, Artificial Intelligence
  • Sensors and Actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, Energy Harvesting

Honors & Rewards

2018-10-01 The Second
2016-10-01 The Third
2014-10-01 The Second

Research Outputs

Total Number of Publication Items Total Citation Number H-index FWCI (Scival)
WOS Scopus WOS Scopus WOS Scopus
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