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Learning Verbs from Nouns via Denominalization in Metaphor and Metonymy
Lei Ut Meng; Chan Ka Lon
Size of Audience30
Type of SpeakerVirtual Conference Presentation

The use of metaphoric mapping instruction (MMI) that integrates both the characteristics of metaphor and metonymy in explicit instruction of L1 and L2 figurative concepts has long been practised (Kövecses, 2001). Although it was found to be facilitative in increasing EFL learners’ retention and awareness of figurative language (Chen, 2019), the actual procedure of the mapping was not adequately delineated and little research on the learning of zero-derived denominal verbs (i.e., verbs that are formed directly from a noun without changing in form) has been carried out.

This research proposes an alternative model calling for a reconceptualization of the conceptual metaphor and metonymy (MM) theory in learning different kinds of denominals (Clark & Clark, 1979). With the theoretical support of constructed models derived from conceptual MM theory (Díez, 2000; Rong, 2014; Ruiz de Mendoza & Masegosa, 2014), and evidence of a pilot study, the researchers constructed three conceptual MM models that explain the procedure and cognitive mechanism behind different categories of zero-derived denominals. The three models explain the cognitive mechanism behind this group of verbs, and thus, can be used visually in the teaching and learning process of zero-derived denominals and other vocabulary learning with similar characteristics.

To examine the effects of the models, an experiment was conducted in 2 local schools in Macau, a Chinese-medium school, and an English-medium school. In each school, participants were assigned to an experimental group (with an explanation of MM rules using the models) and a control group (without an explanation of MM rules). In the pre- and post-test, all participants completed a sentence-making task, a scale that measured their confidence about their selection of the zero-derived denominal verbs, and an interpretation task. Preliminary results indicated that MM models did not significantly enhance participants’ results in the post-test, but participants in the experimental group exhibited a clearer understanding of the meaning of zero-derived denominal verbs that are about the use of the instrument.

To further navigate how the models can be applied in an English classroom, the researchers organized a workshop with English teachers in Macau. The reaction of participants demonstrates that the model can be practised in teaching denominal verbs to engage students in visualizing and understanding the meaning, which can enhance memorization.

The presentation concludes with recommendations for the use of MM in other areas of English language classrooms.

KeywordMetaphoric Mapping Instruction Zero-derived Denominal Verbs Conceptual Metaphor And Metonymy (Mm) Theory
Conference Date2022-12-08
Conference PlaceVirtual
Document TypePresentation
CollectionFaculty of Arts and Humanities
Affiliation1.University of Macau
2.University of Macau
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Lei Ut Meng,Chan Ka Lon. Learning Verbs from Nouns via Denominalization in Metaphor and Metonymy, 2022-12-08.
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