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An inventive letter writing – uncovering the path of a flâneuse in the age of modernity Conference paper
Lo, Y. Y. P.. An inventive letter writing – uncovering the path of a flâneuse in the age of modernity[C], 2016.
Authors:  Lo, Y. Y. P.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/29
letter writing  painting  women artists  flâneuse  
穿越世紀的情書:寫給巴黎藝術家的21封信 Book
Lo, Y. Y. P.. 穿越世紀的情書:寫給巴黎藝術家的21封信[M]. Taipei:Homeward Publishing, 2013.
Authors:  Lo, Y. Y. P.
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fine art  Paris  early twentieth century  letter writing  
An (in)visible letter, a writing threading art practices across space and time Journal article
Lo, Y. Y. P.. An (in)visible letter, a writing threading art practices across space and time[J]. Third Text, 2013, 689-704.
Authors:  Lo, Y. Y. P.
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nushu  women’s script  matriarchal script  letter writing  autobiography  practice of writing  practice of drawing  art  utterance  sexual difference  
An (in)visible letter Conference paper
Lo, Y. Y. P.. An (in)visible letter[C], Reykjavik, 2012.
Authors:  Lo, Y. Y. P.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/29
nushu  women’s script  matriarchal script  letter writing  autobiography  practice of writing  practice of drawing  art  utterance  sexual difference