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Yeats's "Veronica's Napkin" and the Great Year" Conference paper
MATTHEW IAN GIBSON. Yeats's "Veronica's Napkin" and the Great Year"[C], 2019.
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Cosmology, Zodiac, Religion  
Yeats, the Great Year and Pierre Duhem Book chapter
出自: Yeats, Philosophy and the Occult, Clemson, SC:Clemson University Press (an imprint of Liverpool University Press), 2016, 页码:171-223
Authors:  Gibson, M.I.
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Yeats  Duhem  cosmology  Ptolemy  
Gender and early Chinese cosmology revisited Journal article
Jia, Jinhua. Gender and early Chinese cosmology revisited[J]. Asian Philosophy, 2016, 26(4), 281-293.
Authors:  Jia, Jinhua
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Classic Of Changes  Cosmology  Gender