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Traces – Drawing . Objects Book
Lo, Y. Y. P.. Traces – Drawing . Objects[M]. Hong Kong:Arts Empowering Lab/Macau and Mosses/Hong Kong, 2019.
Authors:  Lo, Y. Y. P.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/29
Traces  drawing  artefacts  women  language  nüshu  art practice: gender difference  
The Italian Didactic Tradition Book chapter
出自: European Traditions in Didactics of Mathematics, ICME-13 Monographs, Berlin:Springer, Cham, 2019, 页码:95-121
Authors:   Mariotti, M.;  Bartolini Bussi, M.;  Boero, P.;  Douek, N.;  Pedemonte, B.; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/09/28
Research for innovation · Field of experience · Cognitive unity · Cultural artefacts · Semiotic mediation · Didactic cycle · Semiotic potential of an artefact · Cultural analysis of the content (CAC)  
The Italian Didactic Tradition Book chapter
出自: European Traditions in Didactics of Mathematics, Switzerland:Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019, 页码:95-121
Authors:  Maria Alessandra Mariotti;  Maria G. Bartolini Bussi;  Paolo Boero;  Nadia Douek;  Bettina Pedemonte; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2021/04/12
Research For Innovation  Field Of Experience  Cognitive Unity · Cultural Artefacts  Semiotic Mediation  Didactic Cycle  Semiotic Potential Of An Artefact  Cultural Analysis Of The Content (Cac)  
Research praxis: a drawing exploration through ordinary old objects Conference paper
Lo, Y. Y. P.. Research praxis: a drawing exploration through ordinary old objects[C], 2016.
Authors:  Lo, Y. Y. P.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/29
drawing  objects  cultural artefacts  forgotten  traces  memory  recovery  
The Aesthetics of the Subconscious Book chapter
出自: Ox Mazazine, Macau:Ox Warehouse, 2015, 页码:5-10
Authors:  Lo, Y. Y. P.
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Drawing  traces  artefacts  memory  chests  locks and keys  withered fruits  
(her) research praxis through drawing: drawing the visible and the invisible Conference paper
Lo, Y. Y. P.. (her) research praxis through drawing: drawing the visible and the invisible[C], 2015.
Authors:  Lo, Y. Y. P.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/29
drawing  language  chineseness  nushu  women’s script  artefacts