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Channel Characteristics Analysis of Galvanic Coupling Intra-Body Communication Journal article
Jia Wen Li, Xi Mei Chen, Booma Devi Sekar, Chan Tong Lam, Min Du, Peng Un Mak, Mang I. Vai, Yue Ming Gao, Sio Hang Pun. Channel Characteristics Analysis of Galvanic Coupling Intra-Body Communication[J]. IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, 2022, 6(3), 364-372.
Authors:  Jia Wen Li;  Xi Mei Chen;  Booma Devi Sekar;  Chan Tong Lam;  Min Du; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:3 | Submit date:2022/05/17
Additive White Gaussian Noise (Awgn)  Bit Error Rate (Ber)  Modulation  Water-filling Algorithm  Channel Characteristics  
Local water-filling algorithm for shadow detection and removal of document images Journal article
Bingshu Wang, C. L. Philip Chen. Local water-filling algorithm for shadow detection and removal of document images[J]. SENSORS, 2020, 20(23), 1-15.
Authors:  Bingshu Wang;  C. L. Philip Chen
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:15  IF:3.4/3.7 | Submit date:2021/12/06
Document Image  Local Water-filling Algorithm  Penumbra Removal  Shading Map  Topographic Surface  
New viewpoint and algorithms for water-filling solutions in wireless communications Journal article
Xing,Chengwen, Jing,Yindi, Wang,Shuai, Ma,Shaodan, Poor,H. Vincent. New viewpoint and algorithms for water-filling solutions in wireless communications[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2020, 68, 1618-1634.
Authors:  Xing,Chengwen;  Jing,Yindi;  Wang,Shuai;  Ma,Shaodan;  Poor,H. Vincent
Favorite | TC[WOS]:64 TC[Scopus]:76  IF:4.6/5.2 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Index Based Algorithm  Water-filling Solutions  
Initial investigation of channel capacity for galvanic coupling human body communication Conference paper
Chen, Xi Mei, Mak, Peng Un, Pun, Sio Hang, Lam, Chan-Tong, Che, U. Kin, Li, Jia Wen, Gao, Yue Ming, Vai, Mang I, Du, Min. Initial investigation of channel capacity for galvanic coupling human body communication[C], 2017.
Authors:  Chen, Xi Mei;  Mak, Peng Un;  Pun, Sio Hang;  Lam, Chan-Tong;  Che, U. Kin; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:2 | Submit date:2019/02/14
Channel Capacity  Galvanic Coupling Hbc  Shannon's Theorem  Water-filling Algorithm