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Analysis of norepinephrine-regulated cerebral lymphatic drainage by the second near-infrared region in vivo imaging Journal article
Xi Li, Tianhao Yang, Zhongyang Zhang, Shengnan Wu, Zhen Yuan, Feifan Zhou. Analysis of norepinephrine-regulated cerebral lymphatic drainage by the second near-infrared region in vivo imaging[J]. APL Photonics, 2024, 9(7), 070801.
Authors:  Xi Li;  Tianhao Yang;  Zhongyang Zhang;  Shengnan Wu;  Zhen Yuan; et al.
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:5.4/5.6 | Submit date:2024/08/28
Near Infrared Region  Visual System  Anesthesia  Central Nervous System,  Circadian Rhythms  
Evaluation of an online SSVEP-BCI with fast system setup Journal article
Li, Xiaodong, Wang, Junlin, Cao, Xiang, Huang, Yong, Huang, Wei, Wan, Feng, Kai-Tsun To, Michael, Xie, Sheng Quan. Evaluation of an online SSVEP-BCI with fast system setup[J]. Journal of Neurorestoratology, 2024, 12(2), 100122.
Authors:  Li, Xiaodong;  Wang, Junlin;  Cao, Xiang;  Huang, Yong;  Huang, Wei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:3.1/2.7 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Brain–computer Interface  Steady-state Visual Evoked Potential  System Setup  Online Adaptive Canonical Correlation Analysis  
A ROS-Matlab road condition prediction algorithm with cost-effectiveness for self-navigating mobile robots Conference paper
Wong,S. F., Yu,Z.. A ROS-Matlab road condition prediction algorithm with cost-effectiveness for self-navigating mobile robots[C], 2020, 19-25.
Authors:  Wong,S. F.;  Yu,Z.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:2 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Mobile Robot  Motion Control  Ros-matlab System  Vision Odometer  Visual Slam  
Brain-Actuated Control of Dual-Arm Robot Manipulation with Relative Motion Journal article
Li, Zhijun, Yuan, Wang, Zhao, Suna, Yu, Zhenzhong, Kang, Yu, Chen, C. L.Philip. Brain-Actuated Control of Dual-Arm Robot Manipulation with Relative Motion[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2019, 11(1), 51-62.
Authors:  Li, Zhijun;  Yuan, Wang;  Zhao, Suna;  Yu, Zhenzhong;  Kang, Yu; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:20 TC[Scopus]:24  IF:5.0/4.6 | Submit date:2022/04/15
Asymmetric Bimanual Manipulation  Dual-arm Robot  Multichannel Steady State Visual Evoked Potential (Ssvep)-based System  Relative Jacobian  Relative Motion  
Nonlinear unsharp masking for mammogram enhancement Journal article
Panetta Karen, Zhou Yicong, Agaian Sos, Jia Hongwei. Nonlinear unsharp masking for mammogram enhancement[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2011, 15(6), 918 - 928.
Authors:  Panetta Karen;  Zhou Yicong;  Agaian Sos;  Jia Hongwei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:143 TC[Scopus]:200 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Human-visual-system-based Image Decomposition  Mammogram Enhancement  Second-derivative-like Measure Of Enhancement (Sdme)  Unsharp Masking (Um)