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Packaged Wideband Highly Selective Filtering Power Divider With Arbitrary Phase Difference and Power Dividing Ratio on Multilayer Stripline Journal article
Zhang, Zhuowei, Zhang, Gang, Tam, Kam Weng, Zhou, Xin, Chio, Chi Hou, Teng, Cheng, Kong, Ngai. Packaged Wideband Highly Selective Filtering Power Divider With Arbitrary Phase Difference and Power Dividing Ratio on Multilayer Stripline[J]. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2024.
Authors:  Zhang, Zhuowei;  Zhang, Gang;  Tam, Kam Weng;  Zhou, Xin;  Chio, Chi Hou; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:4.1/4.2 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Constant Phase Shifts  Filtering  High-frequency Selectivity  Impedance  Microwave Filters  Miniaturized Size  Multilayers  Nonhomogeneous Media  Prototypes  Self-packaged Circuit  Stripline  Unequal Power Divider (Pd)  Wideband  Wideband Filtering Response  
A Novel Unequal Power Divider With General Isolation Topology: Design and Verification Journal article
Zhang, Nan, Wang, Xiaolong, Zhu, Lei, Lu, Geyu. A Novel Unequal Power Divider With General Isolation Topology: Design and Verification[J]. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2022, 33(1), 19-22.
Authors:  Zhang, Nan;  Wang, Xiaolong;  Zhu, Lei;  Lu, Geyu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:2.9/3.0 | Submit date:2023/01/30
Compact Size  General Isolation Topology (Git)  High Power Ratio  Standard 50- Ports  Unequal Power Divider (Pd)