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Protein Kinase C Modulation Determines the Mesoderm/ Extraembryonic Fate Under BMP4 Induction From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Journal article
Godoy-Parejo, Carlos, Deng, Chunhao, Xu, Jiaqi, Zhang, Zhaoying, Ren, Zhili, Ai, Nana, Liu, Weiwei, Ge, Wei, Deng, Chuxia, Xu, Xiaoling, Chin, Y. Eugene, Chen, Guokai. Protein Kinase C Modulation Determines the Mesoderm/ Extraembryonic Fate Under BMP4 Induction From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells[J]. Stem Cells, 2023, 41(6), 578-591.
Authors:  Godoy-Parejo, Carlos;  Deng, Chunhao;  Xu, Jiaqi;  Zhang, Zhaoying;  Ren, Zhili; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:4.0/4.9 | Submit date:2023/07/19
Bmp4  Extraembryonic  Fgf  Gf109203x  Human Embryonic Stem Cells  Mesoderm  Protein Kinase c  Signaling Boundary  Trophoblast  Wnt  
Thyroid hormone enhances stem cell maintenance and promotes lineage-specific differentiation in human embryonic stem cells Journal article
Chunhao Deng, Zhaoying Zhang, Faxiang Xu, Jiaqi Xu, Zhili Ren, Carlos Godoy-Parejo, Xia Xiao, Weiwei Liu, Zhou Zhou, Guokai Chen. Thyroid hormone enhances stem cell maintenance and promotes lineage-specific differentiation in human embryonic stem cells[J]. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 2022, 13(1).
Authors:  Chunhao Deng;  Zhaoying Zhang;  Faxiang Xu;  Jiaqi Xu;  Zhili Ren; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:7.1/7.9 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Cell Culture  Hpscs  Pluripotency  Thyroid Hormone  Triiodothyronine (T3)  Trophoblast