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Video person re-identification using key frame screening with index and feature reorganization based on inter-frame relation Journal article
Lu, Zeng, Zhang, Ganghan, Huang, Guoheng, Yu, Zhiwen, Pun, Chi Man, Zhang, Weiwen, Chen, Junan, Ling, Wing Kuen. Video person re-identification using key frame screening with index and feature reorganization based on inter-frame relation[J]. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2022, 13(9), 2745-2761.
Authors:  Lu, Zeng;  Zhang, Ganghan;  Huang, Guoheng;  Yu, Zhiwen;  Pun, Chi Man; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:3.1/3.6 | Submit date:2022/05/17
Feature Reconstruction  Key-frame Extraction  Relation Between Frames  Temporal Modeling  Video-based Person Re-identification  
Brain network excitatory/inhibitory imbalance is a biomarker for drug-naive Rolandic epilepsy: A radiomics strategy Journal article
Dai, Xi Jian, Liu, Heng, Yang, Yang, Wang, Yongjun, Wan, Feng. Brain network excitatory/inhibitory imbalance is a biomarker for drug-naive Rolandic epilepsy: A radiomics strategy[J]. EPILEPSIA, 2021, 62(10), 2426-2438.
Authors:  Dai, Xi Jian;  Liu, Heng;  Yang, Yang;  Wang, Yongjun;  Wan, Feng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:19 TC[Scopus]:17  IF:6.6/6.2 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Benign Epilepsy Of Childhood With Centro-temporal Spikes  Classification  Cognitive Network  Dynamic Causal Modeling  Excitation And Inhibition Imbalance  Machine Learning  Rolandic Epilepsy  Support Vector Machine