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Missing-view completion for fatty liver disease detection Journal article
Qi Zhang, Jie Wen, Jianhang Zhou, Bob Zhang. Missing-view completion for fatty liver disease detection[J]. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 2022, 150, 106097.
Authors:  Qi Zhang;  Jie Wen;  Jianhang Zhou;  Bob Zhang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:7.0/6.7 | Submit date:2022/12/01
Fatty Liver  Missing-view Completion  Facial Image  Tongue Image  Sublingual Image  Noninvasive Disease Detection  
Joint similar and specific learning for diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose regulation detection Journal article
Li, Jinxing, Zhang, David, Li, Yongcheng, Wu, Jian, Zhang, Bob. Joint similar and specific learning for diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose regulation detection[J]. INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2017, 384, 191-204.
Authors:  Li, Jinxing;  Zhang, David;  Li, Yongcheng;  Wu, Jian;  Zhang, Bob
Favorite | TC[WOS]:34 TC[Scopus]:40  IF:0/0 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Diabetes Mellitus (Dm)  Impaired Glucose Regulation (Igr)  Joint Representation  Tongue Image  Facial Image  Sublingual Image