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Speculation in procurement auctions Journal article
DENG SHANGLYU. Speculation in procurement auctions[J]. Journal of Economic Theory, 2023, 212, 105692.
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Speculation  Procurement  Auction Theory  Acquisition  Supply Reduction  Supply Withholding  
Future Clouds: diatoms, speculation and weather modification Journal article
Hodges, Benjamin Kidder. Future Clouds: diatoms, speculation and weather modification[J]. Coolabah, 2023, 34, 112-120.
Authors:  Hodges, Benjamin Kidder
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Diatoms  Atmospheres  Climate Futures  Speculation  
Margin trade, short sales and financial stability Journal article
Hui Ying Sng, Yang Zhang, Huanhuan Zheng. Margin trade, short sales and financial stability[J]. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2020, 15(3), 673-702.
Authors:  Hui Ying Sng;  Yang Zhang;  Huanhuan Zheng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:0.8/0.8 | Submit date:2019/11/01
Margin Requirement  Financial Stability  Speculation  Leverage  
Certainty and speculation in news reporting of the future: the execution of Timothy McVeigh Journal article
ADAM JAWORSKI, RICHARD FITZGERALD, DEBORAH MORRIS. Certainty and speculation in news reporting of the future: the execution of Timothy McVeigh[J]. Discourse Studies, 2003, 5(1), 33-49.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:33 TC[Scopus]:40  IF:1.4/2.1 | Submit date:2019/07/15
Future  Timothy Mcveigh  News  Prediction  Speculation  
Beyond recency: The discourse of the future in BBC Radio news Journal article
Adam Jaworski, Richard Fitzgerald, Deborah Morris, Dariusz Galasinski. Beyond recency: The discourse of the future in BBC Radio news[J]. Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures, 2003(1), 61-72.
Authors:  Adam Jaworski;  Richard Fitzgerald;  Deborah Morris;  Dariusz Galasinski
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Speculation  Systemic Functional Linguitics  Critical Discourse Analysis  Political Power  Social-context  Ideology  Radio News  Media  Prediction