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无权访问的条目 Conference paper
Authors:  Lei, Si Man;  Liang, Tanjian;  Lei, Man Cheng
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The Impact of a Weekend Dance Program on Social-Emotional Learning Among Young Children Journal article
Mancheng Lei, Siman Lei, Yan Wang, Tanjian Liang. The Impact of a Weekend Dance Program on Social-Emotional Learning Among Young Children[J]. Journal of International Education and Practice, 2023, 6(1), 10--18.
Authors:  Mancheng Lei;  Siman Lei;  Yan Wang;  Tanjian Liang
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Dance Program  Culture And Art Center  Young Children  Social-emotional Learning  Motor Skills  
Psychosocial profiles of university students’ emotional adjustment, perceived social support, self-efficacy belief, and foreign language anxiety during COVID-19 Journal article
Wang, Chuang, Teng, Mark Feng, Liu, Shuwen. Psychosocial profiles of university students’ emotional adjustment, perceived social support, self-efficacy belief, and foreign language anxiety during COVID-19[J]. Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 2023, 40(1), 51 - 62.
Authors:  Wang, Chuang;  Teng, Mark Feng;  Liu, Shuwen
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:19  IF:2.2/2.0 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Emotional Adjustment  English  Foreign Language Anxiety  Learning  Self-efficacy Belief  Social Support  
Analysis of the Current Situation of University Students’ Social and Emotional Competences: A Case Study of a Public University in Northern Taiwan Journal article
SHIEH JIN-JY, Santos, Anabela Caetanola, Simões, Celeste, Arriaga, Patrícia. Analysis of the Current Situation of University Students’ Social and Emotional Competences: A Case Study of a Public University in Northern Taiwan[J]. Journal of Taiwan Education Studies, 2023, 4(1), 97-135.
Authors:  SHIEH JIN-JY;  Santos, Anabela Caetanola;  Simões, Celeste;  Arriaga, Patrícia
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University  University Students  Social And Emotional Competence  Social - Emotional Learning  
Social and Emotional Learning through TPSR in China Conference paper
Li , L.S., Liang , T.J., Lei, S. M., Pratt , E.. Social and Emotional Learning through TPSR in China[C], New York, 2019.
Authors:  Li , L.S.;  Liang , T.J.;  Lei, S. M.;  Pratt , E.
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Social and Emotional Learning  TPSR