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Detect and prevent SIP flooding attacks in VoLTE by utilizing a two-tier PFilter design Journal article
Ruan N., Wu M., Ma S., Zhu H., Jia W., Wu S.. Detect and prevent SIP flooding attacks in VoLTE by utilizing a two-tier PFilter design[J]. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2017, E100D(10), 2287-2294.
Authors:  Ruan N.;  Wu M.;  Ma S.;  Zhu H.;  Jia W.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Count  Filter  Pfilter  Sip Flooding Attack  
A novel IP to 3G multimedia gateway and its applications Journal article
Xiong Y., Wu M., Jia W.. A novel IP to 3G multimedia gateway and its applications[J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2013, 53(1), 3-11.
Authors:  Xiong Y.;  Wu M.;  Jia W.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/02/11
3g  3g-324m  Gateway  Multimedia  Sip  
Design and implementation of instant message system based on 3G Conference paper
Yonghua X., Min W., Weijia J., Lizhuo Z.. Design and implementation of instant message system based on 3G[C], 2007, 656-660.
Authors:  Yonghua X.;  Min W.;  Weijia J.;  Lizhuo Z.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2019/04/04
3g  Instant Message  Next Generation Network  Sip