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How are social context factors related to epistemological beliefs, motivations, and achievement in science? A serial mediation model Journal article
xiaowei tang. How are social context factors related to epistemological beliefs, motivations, and achievement in science? A serial mediation model[J]. Research in Science & Technological Education, 2024.
Authors:  xiaowei tang
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Epistemological Belief  Intrinsic Motivation  Social Context Factor  Achievement In Science  Serial Mediation Model  
Perfectionism and suicidal ideation: the serial mediating roles of appearance-based rejection sensitivity and loneliness Journal article
Zhao, Wen, Wu, Anise M.S., Feng, Chun, Yu, Ke, Wang, Zhen, Jiao, Kehui. Perfectionism and suicidal ideation: the serial mediating roles of appearance-based rejection sensitivity and loneliness[J]. Current Psychology, 2024.
Authors:  Zhao, Wen;  Wu, Anise M.S.;  Feng, Chun;  Yu, Ke;  Wang, Zhen; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:2.5/2.6 | Submit date:2024/07/04
Appearance-based Rejection Sensitivity  Loneliness  Perfectionism  Serial Mediation  Suicidal Ideation  
A serial mediation model testing growth mindset, life satisfaction, and perceived distress as predictors of perseverance of effort Journal article
Lam, Kelly Ka Lai, Zhou, Mingming. A serial mediation model testing growth mindset, life satisfaction, and perceived distress as predictors of perseverance of effort[J]. PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, 2020, 167, 110262.
Authors:  Lam, Kelly Ka Lai;  Zhou, Mingming
Favorite | TC[WOS]:29 TC[Scopus]:30  IF:3.5/3.6 | Submit date:2021/12/06
Growth Mindset  Life Satisfaction  Perceived Distress  Perseverance Of Effort  Serial Mediation