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Mind the gap: Development and validation of an evolutionary mismatched lifestyle scale and its impact on health and wellbeing Journal article
O, Jiaqing, Aspden, Trefor, Thomas, Andrew G., Chang, Lei, Ho, Moon Ho Ringo, Li, Norman P., van Vugt, Mark. Mind the gap: Development and validation of an evolutionary mismatched lifestyle scale and its impact on health and wellbeing[J]. Heliyon, 2024, 10(15), e34997.
Authors:  O, Jiaqing;  Aspden, Trefor;  Thomas, Andrew G.;  Chang, Lei;  Ho, Moon Ho Ringo; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.4/3.9 | Submit date:2024/08/05
Environment  Evolutionary Mismatch  Health  Lifestyle  Scale Construction  Wellbeing