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Detection method of rice blast based on 4D light field refocusing depth information fusion Journal article
Ning Yang, Kangpeng Chang, Jian Tang, Lijia Xu, Yong He, Rubing Huang, Junjie Yu. Detection method of rice blast based on 4D light field refocusing depth information fusion[J]. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, 2023, 205, 107614.
Authors:  Ning Yang;  Kangpeng Chang;  Jian Tang;  Lijia Xu;  Yong He; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:7.7/8.4 | Submit date:2023/02/22
Rice Blast  Four-dimensional Light Field  Light Field Refocusing  Image Segmentation  Support Vector Machines