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A 23.2-to-26-GHz Low-Jitter Fast-Locking Sub-Sampling PLL Based on a Function-Reused VCO-Buffer and a Type-I FLL With Rapid Phase Alignment Journal article
Li, Haoran, Xu, Tailong, Meng, Xi, Yin, Jun, Martins, Rui P., Mak, Pui In. A 23.2-to-26-GHz Low-Jitter Fast-Locking Sub-Sampling PLL Based on a Function-Reused VCO-Buffer and a Type-I FLL With Rapid Phase Alignment[J]. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2024.
Authors:  Li, Haoran;  Xu, Tailong;  Meng, Xi;  Yin, Jun;  Martins, Rui P.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.6/5.6 | Submit date:2024/10/10
Fast Locking  Frequency Synthesis  Frequency-locked Loop (Fll)  Low Jitter  Millimeter-wave (Mm-wave)  Phase-locked Loop (Pll)  Reference (Ref.) Spur  Sub-sampling Phase Detector (Sspd)  Voltage-controlled Oscillator (Vco)