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Design and testing of a new energy harvester with single piezo-stack for pull and push input Conference paper
Zehao Wu, Qingsong Xu. Design and testing of a new energy harvester with single piezo-stack for pull and push input[C], 2019, 1268-1273.
Authors:  Zehao Wu;  Qingsong Xu
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Energy Harvesting  Piezo-stack  Piezoelectric  Push And Pull  
Design and testing of a novel bidirectional energy harvester with single piezoelectric stack Journal article
Zehao Wu, Qingsong Xu. Design and testing of a novel bidirectional energy harvester with single piezoelectric stack[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 122, 139-151.
Authors:  Zehao Wu;  Qingsong Xu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:30 TC[Scopus]:31  IF:7.9/8.0 | Submit date:2019/03/28
Energy Harvesting  Force Amplifier  Piezo-stack  Piezoelectric  Push And Pull  
An examination of the pull and push factors influencing hotel selection by Chinese outbound travelers Journal article
Glenn Mccartney, ZhuYing Ge. An examination of the pull and push factors influencing hotel selection by Chinese outbound travelers[J]. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 2016, 16(1-2), 41-59.
Authors:  Glenn Mccartney;  ZhuYing Ge
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/09/12
Casino  Integrated Resort  Hotel Marketing  Chinese Traveler  Push And Pull Influences