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Process compensated bipolar junction transistor-based CMOS temperature sensor with a +/- 1.5 degrees C (3 sigma) batch-to-batch inaccuracy Journal article
Sun, Dapeng, Zhang, Tan-Tan, Law, Man-Kay, Mak, Pui-In, Martins, Rui Paulo. Process compensated bipolar junction transistor-based CMOS temperature sensor with a +/- 1.5 degrees C (3 sigma) batch-to-batch inaccuracy[J]. ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 2018, 54(22), 1270-1271.
Authors:  Sun, Dapeng;  Zhang, Tan-Tan;  Law, Man-Kay;  Mak, Pui-In;  Martins, Rui Paulo
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:0.7/0.9 | Submit date:2019/01/17
Resistors  Calibration  Cmos Integrated Circuits  Bipolar Transistors  Temperature Sensors  First-batch-only Calibration Parameters  Batch-to-batch Inaccuracy  Piecewise Bjt Process  Compensation Property  Base Recombination Current  Base-emitter Voltage  Cmos Temperature Sensor  Process Compensated Bjt  Intra-die Variation  Spread Compensation Property  On-chip Resistors  Inter-die Variation  Current 3  0 Mua  Voltage 1  2 v  Temperature-40 Degc To 125 Degc  Size 0  036 Mm  
Nonfragile asynchronous control for uncertain chaotic Lurie network systems with Bernoulli stochastic process Journal article
Shi, Kaibo, Tang, Yuanyan, Zhong, Shouming, Yin, Chun, Huang, Xuegang, Wang, Wenqin. Nonfragile asynchronous control for uncertain chaotic Lurie network systems with Bernoulli stochastic process[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018, 28(5), 1693-1714.
Authors:  Shi, Kaibo;  Tang, Yuanyan;  Zhong, Shouming;  Yin, Chun;  Huang, Xuegang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:193 TC[Scopus]:199  IF:3.2/3.5 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Bernoulli Stochastic Process  Chaotic Network Systems  Nonfragile Robust Control  Parameters Uncertainties  Proportional-derivative Asynchronous Control  
Anaerobic digestion of food waste - optimization of process parameters to enhance methane production Conference paper
Chan Pak Chuen, Alves de Toledo Renata, Shim Hojae. Anaerobic digestion of food waste - optimization of process parameters to enhance methane production[C], 2016.
Authors:  Chan Pak Chuen;  Alves de Toledo Renata;  Shim Hojae
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/07/01
Fire-damp  Anaerobic-digestion  Effluent  Biogases  Caco3  Fatty-acids  Reactors  Retention-time  Chemical-oxygen-demand  Renewable-energy  Process-parameters  Food-waste