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Does procedural fairness matter for drug abusers to stop illicit drug use? Testing the applicability of the process-based model in a Chinese context Journal article
Jianhong Liu, Guangzhen Wu, Francis D. Boateng. Does procedural fairness matter for drug abusers to stop illicit drug use? Testing the applicability of the process-based model in a Chinese context[J]. Psychology, Crime and Law, 2019, 26(5), 507-526.
Authors:  Jianhong Liu;  Guangzhen Wu;  Francis D. Boateng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:1.1/1.5 | Submit date:2020/12/04
Procedural Fairness  Process-based Model  Substance Abuse  Desistance  China  
Modeling and simulation of swarms for collecting objects Journal article
Li Y., Chen X.. Modeling and simulation of swarms for collecting objects[J]. Robotica, 2006, 24(3), 315.
Authors:  Li Y.;  Chen X.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:14 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Individual-based Model  Macroscopic Model  Markov Process  Non-smooth System  Swarm Intelligence