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Aggregation-induced emission-active tetraphenylethylene derivatives containing arylimidazole unit for reversible mechanofluorochromism and selective detection of picric acid Journal article
Zhang,Shuaishuai, Huang,Yiping, Kong,Lin, Zhang,Xuanjun, Yang,Jiaxiang. Aggregation-induced emission-active tetraphenylethylene derivatives containing arylimidazole unit for reversible mechanofluorochromism and selective detection of picric acid[J]. DYES AND PIGMENTS, 2020, 181, 108574.
Authors:  Zhang,Shuaishuai;  Huang,Yiping;  Kong,Lin;  Zhang,Xuanjun;  Yang,Jiaxiang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:31 TC[Scopus]:31  IF:4.1/3.7 | Submit date:2021/03/04
Tetraphenylethylene  Aggregation-induced Emission  Arylimidazole  Positional Isomers  Mechanofluorochromic  Picric Acid