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Construction of Flexible Piezoceramic Array with Ultrahigh Piezoelectricity via a Hierarchical Design Strategy Journal article
Xu,Qianqian, Wang,Zhenxing, Zhong,Junwen, Yan,Minyang, Zhao,Senfeng, Gong,Jiangshan, Feng,Kaiyu, Zhang,Jianxun, Zhou,Kechao, Xie,Jianbin, Xie,Hui, Zhang,Dou, Zhang,Yan, Bowen,Chris. Construction of Flexible Piezoceramic Array with Ultrahigh Piezoelectricity via a Hierarchical Design Strategy[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33(41).
Authors:  Xu,Qianqian;  Wang,Zhenxing;  Zhong,Junwen;  Yan,Minyang;  Zhao,Senfeng; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:26  IF:18.5/19.6 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Aligned Pores  Piezoelectric Ceramics  Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting  Piezoelectric Sensing  
Effect of different templates on electrical properties of textured KNN-based ceramics Journal article
Li L., Bai W., Zhang Y., Shen B., Zhai J., Chen H.. Effect of different templates on electrical properties of textured KNN-based ceramics[J]. Ferroelectrics, 2016, 490(1), 85-93.
Authors:  Li L.;  Bai W.;  Zhang Y.;  Shen B.;  Zhai J.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:5 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Lead-free Ceramics  Piezoelectric  Template  Texture  
Microstructures and electrical properties of lead-based PBZNZT and lead-free BNKT piezoelectric ceramics using microwave sintering Conference paper
Chen P.Y., Chen C.S., Chou C.C., Tseng T.Y., Chen H.D.. Microstructures and electrical properties of lead-based PBZNZT and lead-free BNKT piezoelectric ceramics using microwave sintering[C], 2011.
Authors:  Chen P.Y.;  Chen C.S.;  Chou C.C.;  Tseng T.Y.;  Chen H.D.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:16 TC[Scopus]:18 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Electrical Properties  Ferroelectric  Lead-free Ceramics  Microstructures  Microwave Sintering  Piezoelectric