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Chromosome-level genome assembly of the glass catfish ( Kryptopterus vitreolus) reveals molecular clues to its transparent phenotype Journal article
Bian, Chao, Li, Rui Han, Ruan, Zhi Qiang, Chen, Wei Ting, Huang, Yu, Liu, Li Yue, Zhou, Hong Ling, Chong, Cheong Meng, Mu, Xi Dong, Shi, Qiong. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the glass catfish ( Kryptopterus vitreolus) reveals molecular clues to its transparent phenotype[J]. Zoological research, 2024, 45(5), 1027-1036.
Authors:  Bian, Chao;  Li, Rui Han;  Ruan, Zhi Qiang;  Chen, Wei Ting;  Huang, Yu; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.0/4.5 | Submit date:2024/09/03
Glass Catfish  Whole-genome Sequencing  Edn3b−/− Mutant  Transparent Phenotype  
Divergent electroencephalogram resting-state functional network alterations in subgroups of autism spectrum disorder: a symptom-based clustering analysis Journal article
Zhu, Gang, Li, Yuhang, Wan, Lin, Sun, Chunhua, Liu, Xinting, Zhang, Jing, Liang, Yan, Liu, Guoyin, Yan, Huimin, Li, Rihui, Yang, Guang. Divergent electroencephalogram resting-state functional network alterations in subgroups of autism spectrum disorder: a symptom-based clustering analysis[J]. Cerebral Cortex, 2024, 34(1).
Authors:  Zhu, Gang;  Li, Yuhang;  Wan, Lin;  Sun, Chunhua;  Liu, Xinting; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:2.9/3.7 | Submit date:2024/02/22
Autism Spectrum Disorder  Electroencephalogram  Functional Connectivity  Phenotype  
Relationships of tumor diferentiation and immune infltration in gastric cancers revealed by single‑cell RNA‑seq analyses Journal article
Xin Zhou, Jingwei Yang, Yongqu Lu, Yanpeng Ma, Yan Meng, Qingqing Li, Junpeng Gao, Zhaoyu Jiang, Limei Guo, Wei Wang, Yun Liu, Lu Wen, Miao Kai, Wei Fu, Fuchou Tang. Relationships of tumor diferentiation and immune infltration in gastric cancers revealed by single‑cell RNA‑seq analyses[J]. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES, 2023, 80, 57.
Authors:  Xin Zhou;  Jingwei Yang;  Yongqu Lu;  Yanpeng Ma;  Yan Meng; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:16  IF:6.2/7.7 | Submit date:2023/02/22
Intra-tumor Heterogeneity  Pathological Phenotype  Tumor Immune Microenvironment  
Phylogenetic Analysis of Core Melanin Synthesis Genes Provides Novel Insights Into the Molecular Basis of Albinism in Fish Journal article
Bian, Chao, Li, Ruihan, Wen, Zhengyong, Ge, Wei, Shi, Qiong. Phylogenetic Analysis of Core Melanin Synthesis Genes Provides Novel Insights Into the Molecular Basis of Albinism in Fish[J]. Frontiers in Genetics, 2021, 12, 707228.
Authors:  Bian, Chao;  Li, Ruihan;  Wen, Zhengyong;  Ge, Wei;  Shi, Qiong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:19  IF:2.8/3.3 | Submit date:2021/09/17
Albinism Phenotype  Core Genes For Melanin Synthesis  Melanin Synthesis Pathway  Nonsense Mutation  Phylogenetic Analysis  
Modulating macrophage activities to promote endogenous bone regeneration: Biological mechanisms and engineering approaches Review article
Authors:  Niu,Yiming;  Wang,Zhenzhen;  Shi,Yuchen;  Dong,Lei;  Wang,Chunming
Favorite | TC[WOS]:154 TC[Scopus]:164  IF:18.0/18.2 | Submit date:2021/03/02
Biomaterial-host Interaction  Bone Regeneration  Inflammation  Macrophages  Phenotype Transition  
The phenotypic and functional consequences of tumour necrosis factor receptor type 2 expression on CD4(+) FoxP3(+) regulatory T cells Journal article
Xin Chen, Joost J. Oppenheim. The phenotypic and functional consequences of tumour necrosis factor receptor type 2 expression on CD4(+) FoxP3(+) regulatory T cells[J]. IMMUNOLOGY, 2011, 133(4), 426-433.
Authors:  Xin Chen;  Joost J. Oppenheim
Favorite | TC[WOS]:63 TC[Scopus]:66  IF:4.9/6.6 | Submit date:2019/01/14
cd4+foxp3+regulatory t Cells  cd4+foxp3+effector t Cells  Immunological Phenotype  Immunosuppression  Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor 2