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Insights into the carbon neutrality for the treatment process engineering of municipal wastewater by anaerobic membrane bioreactor integrated with partial nitritation-anammox: CO2 reduction and energy recovery Journal article
Kong, Zhe, Xue, Yi, Zhang, Yanlong, Hao, Tianwei, Chen, Hong, Sun, Jianliang, Pan, Yang, Li, Dapeng, Li, Yong, Huang, Yong. Insights into the carbon neutrality for the treatment process engineering of municipal wastewater by anaerobic membrane bioreactor integrated with partial nitritation-anammox: CO2 reduction and energy recovery[J]. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022, 49, 102996.
Authors:  Kong, Zhe;  Xue, Yi;  Zhang, Yanlong;  Hao, Tianwei;  Chen, Hong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:31 TC[Scopus]:33  IF:6.3/6.3 | Submit date:2022/08/02
Anaerobic Digestion  Anmbr  Carbon Neutrality  Municipal Wastewater  Partial Nitritation-anammox