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Surface reconstruction on silver nanoparticles decorated trimetallic hydroxide nanosheets to generate highly active oxygen-deficient (oxy)hydroxide layer for high-efficient water oxidation Journal article
Xinyu Du, Junling Guo, Mingpeng Chen, Weng-Chon Cheong, Yuyun Chen, Dong Liu, Shi Chen, Xuesen Wang, Kin Ho Lo, Jin Song Hu, Hui Pan. Surface reconstruction on silver nanoparticles decorated trimetallic hydroxide nanosheets to generate highly active oxygen-deficient (oxy)hydroxide layer for high-efficient water oxidation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 425, 131662.
Authors:  Xinyu Du;  Junling Guo;  Mingpeng Chen;  Weng-Chon Cheong;  Yuyun Chen; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:23 TC[Scopus]:24  IF:13.3/13.2 | Submit date:2021/09/10
Oxygen-deficient (Oxy)Hydroxide Layer  Silver Nanoparticles Decoration  Spontaneous Redox Reaction  Surface Reconstruction  
Surface reconstruction on silver nanoparticles decorated trimetallic hydroxide nanosheets to generate highly active oxygen-deficient (oxy)hydroxide layer for high-efficient water oxidation Journal article
Du, X. Y., Guo, J. L., Chen, M. P., Cheong, W. C., Chen, Y. Y., Liu, D., Chen, S., Wang, X. S., Lo, K. H., Hu, J. S., Pan, H.. Surface reconstruction on silver nanoparticles decorated trimetallic hydroxide nanosheets to generate highly active oxygen-deficient (oxy)hydroxide layer for high-efficient water oxidation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 131662-131662.
Authors:  Du, X. Y.;  Guo, J. L.;  Chen, M. P.;  Cheong, W. C.;  Chen, Y. Y.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:23 TC[Scopus]:24  IF:13.3/13.2 | Submit date:2022/07/27
Surface Reconstruction  Spontaneous Redox Reaction  Oxygen-deficient (Oxy)Hydroxide Layer  Silver Nanoparticles Decoration